Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Jacob 7:03 Rx'd

This is probably the most I underestimated a crossfit WOD in ages. It sounded short and sweet and all things doable in there own right , but together like this, it was a destroyer. Everyone agrees J.T. sucks. Later on in the day I did some extra leg work at the fire station just to make sure I got my days worth of abuse.

PM Leg Sets:

30x95lb Walking lunges
24x115lb Walking lunges
18x135lb Walking lunges
12x155lb Walking lunges

10x155lbx3 Back Squat

15-12-9-6 Seated leg extensions
20-15-10-5 Single burnout set starting at 80% 15 rep set

15-12-9-6 Lying leg curls
20-15-10-5 Single burnout set at 80% 15 rep set

1 comment:

Shane Nowak said...

MY J.T. time was 13:45

I sub the HSPU for 75 lbs push press