Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunday, January 31: Tax Return!

Had to take a rest day, knee is acting up again. However since I'm all for productivity I did my taxes instead, for time!

TOD (Task of the day)

Taxes for time:

Jacob +6100.00

Not a PR, but rewarding none the less.

Saturday, January 30: 7 Reps, 7 Rounds and Core.

Where does it hurt?... Where do you think?

So I decided to do this WOD with a little extra weight today and it was as expected, worse then it would have been.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds not for time of:
7 Muscle Snatch, 45lbs, 75lbs and 95lbs
7 Snatch Balance, 45lbs, 75lbs and 95lbs
7 Overhead Sqauts, 45lbs, 75lbs and 95lbs

WOD #1

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Muscle Snatch, 115lbs
7 Snatch Balance, 115lbs
7 Overhead Sqauts, 115lbs

Jacob 19:51

WOD #2
Thruster 15-15-15

Jacob 115-125-135 (Not much of a WOD I know, but I did it none the less.)

WOD #3

10 Rounds for max reps of:(20 minutes total including rest)
1 Minute V-ups
1 Minute Rest

Jacob ????

I didn't count, but my stomach muscles hurt so I consider it a mission accomplished.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday, January 29: Max Reps, Isa-Grace and 5 Rounds.

Todays abuse...

WOD #1 (11:30AM)

Max reps for time of:
10 minutes Handstand push-ups (2" Parallettes, top of head to floor)
5 minutes Squats (A to A and honest!)
2 minutes Pull-ups
1 minute Push-ups (Nose to floor)

Jacob 349 [HSPU:74, S:160, PUL:70, PUS:45)

WOD #2 (12:00PM)


For time:
30 Snatch, 135lbs (Squat or muscle)
30 Clean and Jerk, 135lbs (Squat or power)

Jacob 10:38 Rx'd [Isa 6:45, Grance 3:53]

WOD #3 (12:30PM)

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Calories Rowed
20 GH Back Ext.

Jacob 12:30 (Time on rower 4:33, 100 calories)

Felt horrible doing muscle snatches, I so need to work on that lift weekly in order to improve in any significant way, but I think I missed the window on that one. I can fire out 5 good single muscle snatches and then I'm so fatigued that I can barely muster up the strength to lift the bar off the ground. I hope that's just the fatigue associated with the first WOD, but either way I know my snatch lift is soft.

Other then that I felt solid on the rower today. I was able to grind out 20 calories consistently in under a minute and was able to transition right in the the GHSU, only having to break the last set into 10 and 10.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday, January 28: Sick Day, Not Shane!

I think I have one of these problems today causing me to feel sick, or all of them if I think about it long enough. Either way I'm laying in bed all day today and doing nothing else.

Jacob Sick Day

Shane on the other hand was feeling fine.

SoCal OC Throwdown WOD 4 (6:00PM)


5 min max clean in lbs; rest 0 sec
5 min Cindy CTB for total reps; rest 0 sec
5 min row calories

Total score = max 1RM weight lifted in lbs + total reps in 5 min Cindy + total cals in 5 min rowed (i.e. 285# + 240 reps (8 rounds) + 100 cals = score of 625 score)

Shane 374 Rx'd

Clean 120lbs
6 Rounds +21 CTB Cindy
53 Calories Rowed

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 27: Rest I Will!

Artist: Four Tet, Album: There Is Love In You

Awake 22 hours straight, and all that after yesterdays WOD's, a night shift in the ER and my ACLS class...ugh.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 26: SoCal Throwdown WOD's 3&4

SoCal OC Throwdown WOD 3 (5:30PM)

"Los Dos"

5 rounds:
45 sec AMRAP Deadlift, 225lbs
Rest 15 sec
45 sec AMRAP Burpees
Rest 15 sec

Total reps are athletes’ score. Burpees need to be done with an upright torso, no muted hips and a visible jump off the ground must occur.

Jacob 149 Rx'd 10th Place (1st 165)

Shane 90 Rx'd

SoCal OC Throwdown WOD 4 (6:00PM)


5 min max clean in lbs; rest 0 sec
5 min Cindy CTB for total reps; rest 0 sec
5 min row calories

Total score = max 1RM weight lifted in lbs + total reps in 5 min Cindy + total cals in 5 min rowed (i.e. 285# + 240 reps (8 rounds) + 100 cals = score of 625 score)

Jacob 590 Rx'd 1st Place (2nd 586)

Clean 250lbs (PR)
8 Rounds +15 CTB Cindy
85 Calories Rowed

Happy to have pounded out a few PR's and surprised myself on a few things, but overall I would have been second place in the points total. Fun WOD's though.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 25: SoCal Throwdown WOD's 1&2

I felt so bad today, think I'm getting sick. I spent the first 30 minutes watching Evan workout as I laid on the floor. He convinced me to WOD and WOD I did.

Did the first 2 WOD's from the SoCal OC Throwdown Games. I thought it went well. Evan kept me legit on the movements and reps so I'm happy it's over.

WOD #1 (10:50AM)


7 rounds for time;
5 squat clean thruster
10 toes to bar

*Each round the weight for the thruster increases by 10lbs, it is the athletes responsibility to change the weight per round.

Jacob 9:00 Rx'd (SoCal's Top Time 9:14)
Shane 18:43 (45lbs-105lbs)

I was pissed I dropped off the bar on the very last toes to bar, would have been sub 9:00.

WOD #2 (11:30AM)


For time:
20 unbroken chin ups
Row 500m
20 unbroken chin ups
Row 500m
20 unbroken chin ups

*If an athlete breaks the chin ups or fractions them by coming off the bar at any point in the 20 reps, they have to start at 0 again, rowers damper and foot setting is up to athlete. CHIN MUST PASS THE VERTICAL PLANE OF THE BAR TO COUNT.

Jacob 5:35 Rx'd (SoCal's Top Time 5:12)
Shane 9:38 Rx'd

Would have been 3rd place on this one, and tied for first after day 1.

WOD #3

3 Attempts at Max Rep Double Unders:

Jacob 55-42-61

Was hoping to hit 75 again... would have really like to get 100 in a row. That would be awesome!

Going to do the next 2 WOD's tomorrow... hopefully if I'll feel up to it.

Evan did a whole bunch of work today, but always he never writes it down. All I know is that he did a awesome 230lb hang squat clean and then 10 solid reps of 155lb clean and thruster unbroken.

As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
9 Toes To Bar
12 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
Evan 8 Rounds +3HSPU, +6PU

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday, January 24: Deadlift/Pull-ups Metcon and Old School Chest.

Started the day with HQ's suggestions and felt horrible (only slept 9 hours in 2 days), but now I'm at the FD so I'll do some old school weight lifting and blast my pec's... Oh yeah!

For time:
15 Deadlifts, 225lbs
50 Pull-ups
12 Deadifts, 225lbs
40 Pull-ups
9 Deadlifts, 225lbs
30 Pull-ups
6 Deadlifts, 225lbs
20 Pull-ups
3 Deadlifts, 225lbs
10 Pull-ups

Jacob 8:26 Rx'd

I think what you're looking at was roughly 1% of my bodyweight on the floor after the WOD. I wanted to vomit real bad and was panting like a dog for a good 15 minutes after. You can see I was clutching my head as I was kneeling on the floor, awaiting to see God.

Saturday, January 23: Rest Day Memories

Up at 3PM; get off work at 8AM the next day, lay on my stairs for an hour, meet up with friends in downtown E-town, throw on 40lb vest, stretch, strut, then run!

5K... 40lb Vest... 50 burpees along the way... Oh how I messed myself up so bad.

Thinking about that day makes me tired, why not rest?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, January 22: Front Squat Triple... And the 2010 Games!

Please everyone feel free to check out the 2010 Crossfit Games site, and for more up coming information on the midwest sectionals and all things crossfit.


As for today, the triple is...

Warm up:
Front squat 3-3-3-3-3

Nate 95-105-115-125-135
Shane 95-105-115-125-135
Jacob 95-135-155-175-185

Front squat 3-3-3-1-1-1

Nate 145-155-165-175-180-185
Shane 145-150-150x2-150x2-155
Jacob 185-195-205-215-220-225

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs

Jacob 7:30 Rx'd [2:00, 2:35, 2:55]
Nate 12:15 (95lbs)
Shane 13:15 (95lbs)

(Full squat clean and GHSU hand to floor followed by toe touch.)

Last but not least...

Ring Dips

Jacob 5:54 (PR)

*I kipped on my last set of 9 HSPU, but that's the best I've ever done, so I don't know if you can count that as Rx'd. I was pleased though.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Wall Ball, 20lbs
Row, Calories

Nate 4:43 Rx'd
Shane 9:45 Rx'd

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Under

Evan 9:59

Later everyone.

New blog site is...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, January 21: G.I. Jane+

Forgot my wrist straps today, so I don't want to hammer out squat clean and jerks. I think I'll save this one for tomorrow and power out a squat 5x5, then todays WOD and close with J.T. This should be a solid days triple, and I think I'm ready for it, but we'll see.

G.I. Jane
100 Burpee Pull-ups for time:
*Bar should be 1' higher then your reach.

Jacob 9:15 (PR)
Shane 22:03

Got my first 40 unbroken then went sets of 20 with a little breather in between.

Then right after (2-3 minutes rest...)

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbell Burpee-clean and thruster, 35lbx2
10 Broad Jump

Jacob 5:32
Shane 7:45 (25lbs)

I'm (Shane) back. I was training for my new job for the last three weeks. I had to take the train into Chicago each morning. I gained about 5lbs in the last month so its time to jump back in. My new job is with Aflac, that's right I will be working for the duck. So, if anybody has any questions about Aflac just leave a comment and I will get back to you. Thanks and it feel good to be back.

Wednesday, January 20: Finally Rest!

After being awake for 26.5 hours I thought it a good time to rest.

Everyone else can do whatever you'd like.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19: Power Clean, Annie and Grace

Keeping it short today until the end. I'm excited to see how these WOD's go.

Warm Up:
Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10 (100%!1RMPC-110%-120%-130%-140%)

Jacob 235-255-275-295-305

Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1


Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 205-215(F)-205-205(F)-205-205

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Under

Jacob 5:01 (PR)

For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs

2:15 (PR)

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:(1 minute of rest after each complete round of 5 movements.)
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps in 1 minute)
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps in 1 minute)
Push Press, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Row (Calories in 1 minute)

Evan 370 (135, 125, 110)

WB 25 25 25
HP 25 25 22
BJ 35 30 25
PP 35 30 23
RO 15 15 15

Monday, January 18: Bench Press & Ring Dips.

Warm Up:
Bench Press 20-15-10-5

Jacob 135-165-205-225

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
*Alternate with
Ring Dips 20-20-20-20-20 (strick, non-kipping)

Jacob 225-235-245-255*(PR)-225 (*Slight assist on last rep from spotter.)

On a lighter note, according to this web site my calculated 1 rep max bench should be 282.2lbs. I find it funny how they can just come up with this stuff out of thin air, but it is close to 275lbs. I guess I need to work on my bench to get it to where they're telling me it should be.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sunday, January 17: Either Or, Pick Your Poison!

This is what I call "Either Or". Should be a whole lot of work to say the least.

Warm Up: 9:00AM
Thruster 5-5-5-5-5

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 95-115-135-155-175X8(PR) BW 169lbs

WOD 1: 9:30AM
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 185-190-195-200-205(F)-205(F)-205(F)

WOD 2: 10:15AM
For Time:
30 Squat Clean and Jerks, 155lbs

Jacob 6:07(PR)

Failed to jerk on the last rep and had to wrack it and re-jerk, or else I would've been sub 6:00.

Nate 16:57 (115lbs)[85% 1RM]

Complete for time of:
10 Bear Complex, 155lbs (Hang Power Clean to Front Squat to Push-Press to Back Squat to Push-Press)

WOD 3: 10:45AM
"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:(1 minute of rest after each complete round of 5 movements.)
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps in 1 minute)
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps in 1 minute)
Push Press, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Row (Calories in 1 minute)

"Task Priority Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:(Followed by 1 minute of rest after completing 100 reps.)
20 Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target
20 Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds
20 Box Jump, 20" box
20 Push Press, 75 pounds
20 Row (Calories)

Jacob 9:58(PR) 2:47, 3:10, 4:01

Saturday, January 16: 60 Rep Cylce of Squats, Pull-ups and Push-ups.

With a continuously running clock, squat for 60 seconds. Subtract the number of squats completed from 60, and do that many pull-ups in minute two. In minute three, squat again, subtracting the number completed from 60. Do that number of push-ups in minute four. Minute five is squatting again, and minute six pull-ups.

The pattern is squats, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc. The goal is to stay within the workout's formula for as long as possible.

Don't do more than 60 squats in any round.

Messed this one up a bit... only did alternating squats and pull-ups, no push-ups.

Jacob 30 minutes
1-2 S:45 PU:15
3-4 S:45 PU:15
5-6 S:45 PU:15
7-8 S:45 PU:15
9-10 S:45 PU:15
11-12 S:45 PU:15
13-14 S:45 PU:15
15-16 S:45 PU:15
17-18 S:45 PU:15
19-20 S:45 PU:15
21-22 S:45 PU:15
23-24 S:45 PU:15
25-26 S:45 PU:15
27-28 S:45 PU:15
29-30 S:45 PU:15
*All sets unbroken!

Then we got a call...

15 cycles, 675 Squats and 225 Pull-ups

Could've done more, I was finishing my pull-ups well within 20 seconds of the second minute of the cycle and got plenty of rest, and if I had alternated my push-ups with the pull-ups I could have had even more rest for my arms and more time to recover.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday, January 15: 1 Minute Core Ladder

1 Minute ascending rep ladder of:
*Once you time out at one movement go on to the next.
Glute Ham Sit-ups
Knees to Elbows
Kettlebell Cross Chops

Jacob GHSU:20 Rounds, KTE:20 Rounds, KBCC:20 Rounds

1 straight hour of core exercises...oh joy. I'd would have rather rowed!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, January 14: Dead Christine and Running Burpees.

Warm Up:
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 185-225-255-275-305

Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1-1-1


3 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
12 Deadlifts, body weight
21 Box jumps, 24"

Jacob 8:23 Rx'd (175lb DL)

In 15 minutes complete for time:
1 mile run
Max burpees, until 15 minutes is up.
*Score WOD by number of burpees completed.

Jacob 5:31/138/6:21

Then run 1 mile immediately upon completion of WOD and compare times.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday, January 13: Blow Up The House!

3 Rounds for time of:
50m walking lunge
100m standing broad jump
200m run

Jacob 12:53 (Done on the fire station apparatus floor, 10 meters long on the broad jumps.)

Five rounds for time, 50 total reps per round, of:
Straight Barbell Curl, 95lbs/75lbs
Ring Dips
*5 Wall Ball, 20lbs each time you break a set.
Post round times, and reps of each of the 3 movements.

Jacob Rx'd
1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:37
2. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:41
3. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:33
4. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:15
5. SBC 22 RD 28 WB 5 Time 1:10

Kenny Rx'd
1. SBC 40 RD 10 WB 15 Time 2:29
2. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:40
3. SBC 36 RD 14 WB 10 Time 3:01
4. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:21
5. SBC 36 RD 14 WB 10 Time ****

Nate (75lbs)
1. SBC 27 RD 23 WB 15 Time 2:21
2. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:30
3. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:35
4. SBC 27 RD 23 WB 10 Time 2:09
5. SBC 26 RD 24 WB 10 Time ****

***Group WOD***
10 Rounds for time, when one person finishes a set the next person goes.
10 Back Squat, Body Weight
10 Walking Lunges, 50% Body Weight

28:53 (Total Time)

Nate 145lbs/70lbs (BW 140lbs)
Jacob 165lbs/90lbs (BW 167lbs)
Kenny 165lbs/90lbs (BW 185lbs)

3 Attempts at max rep dead hang pull-ups:

Jacob 25, 16 +10lbs, 15 +20lbs

Something new indeed, but I'm itching to give CTB Fran another go in the next week or so. I'm predicting a sub 3:25 next time which would be a good improvement.

Here's a few pictures of what I was up to last night instead of working out.


5 rounds
20 Back Ext
10 ring dips


2 pood high pulls
push ups


500 single jump ropes


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, January 12: Rest Day

Album: Shadow of the Colossus: Roar of the Earth by Kow Otani

Can't wait! In my opinion Shadow of the Colossus would be one of the coolest fantasy movies ever made if someone had the good sense to make it. The premise is simple and the visuals would be spectacular. A lone warrior sets out to slay 10 mythic creatures roaming the vast landscape of a lost ancient realm and in return his one true love will be restored to life. Armed with nothing more then a sword, bow and arrow this warrior with the help of his trusted mount Argo will topple monstrous creatures that eclipse the sun and are nearly the size of mountains.

The cool part is if you know someone who is good at the game you could watch them play it through in less than 2 hours, which would be the equivalent of the movie.

None the less, it's an awesome game for PS2 and I can't wait to see what The Last Guardian will look like.

Jacob Rest Day

Team Ico Presents: The Last Guardian
Release Date Est. November 2010
Platform: PS3

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, January 11: CTB Fran and More!

The Lonely Triple...


"CTB Fran"
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster, 95lbs
Pull-up, CTB

Jacob 3:42 Rx'd (1 PU short for 21's, 1 PU over for 9's)


15-10-5 reps for time of:
Power Clean, 185lbs
Ring Dip

Jacob 5:03 Rx'd (PR)


300 Double Unders for time:

Jacob 5:52 Rx'd

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday, January 10: Triple Shoulder WOD

Kenny and I hit a triple today, but as always the triple hit back... Hard!

Warm Up:
Parralette HSPU 5-5-5-5-5

Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 115-135-145-155-160(PR) (BW: 166lbs)

Kenny 95-115-135-135-135

5 rounds, 1 round every minute of:
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
10 Deadlifts, 230lbs
*Do 10 Ring Dips for each round not completed in 1 minute at the end of the WOD.

Jacob 6:17/8:07 (Failed rounds 3,4 and 5. Did 30 Ring Dips)

Kenny 8:35/9:38 90 second rounds (Failed round 5. Did 10 Ring Dips)

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Push Jerk, 135lbs
CTB Pull-ups
Row, Calories

Jacob 8:03 Rx'd (PR) Last time 11:04
[3:04, 3:11 and 1:48]

Kenny 13:14 95lbs
[4:40, 5:13 and 3:21]

Saturday, January 9: Rest For Me, Fran For You.

HQ says Fran...


21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Thruster, 95lbs

I say Niggy... You say nothing.

Artist: Saul Williams Album: Niggy Tardust

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday, January 8: Press, Bench, Row, Cindy.

The plan was simple, but not easy...

Warm Up:
Bench Press 10-10-10-10

Jacob 135-155-175-185

Shoulder Press 10-7-5-3-1

Evan 135-150-165-180-190x2


5 Rounds of: (Not for time)
5 Bench Press, 225lbs
500m Row

Jacob 5/1:27(PR), 5/1:32, 5/1:36, 5/1:39(20 spm), 5/1:37

Evan 5/1:29, 5/1:29, 5/1:31


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Evan 13 Rounds +5 Pull, +10 Push (10 Minutes)

Jacob 31 Rounds +5 Pull, +10 Push (PR)

Well I have to give credit where credit is do and Kenny, well Kenny's new nick name might as well be Visa because he's never maxed out and he'll take care of whatever you put in front of him. It was epic! Kenny was told his WOD combination for the day and that he was going to power clean over 14,000lbs over the coarse of his hour in the garage, and that's just what he did.

Warm Up:
Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

95-115-120-125-130-135-145 (1,300lbs Cleanend)

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Kenny 155-165-175-185(Failed)-170-180-180 (1,200lbs Cleaned)

20 Rounds of:
3 Power cleans, (90%1RM) every minute, on the minute
*5 Burpees as a penalty for each round you fail to complete

Kenny 20 Rounds (10,500lbs Cleaned)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday, January 7: Pull-ups, SDHP/RD, DBHC

Suffer alone, triples on the menu today.


10 Rounds for time of:
3 Pull-ups, 45lbs
5 Pull-ups, Dead Hang
7 Pull-ups, Kipping
*Keep track of time and number of sets for WOD.

Jacob 14:48 (10 Sets, all unbroken!) (PR)


Alternating ladder for time of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 115lbs
Ring Dip

Jacob 6:30 Rx'd (Went slow and steady on the pulls, all unbroken.)


Complete 1 round every 2 minutes for a total of 10 rounds of:
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Press, 45lb Dumbbells
10 V-Stance Bear Crawl Push-ups

Jacob 19:59 Rx'd (Finished every round within the 2 minutes)


WOD 1 17:51 (33 sets, 25lbs)
WOD 2 8:21 Rx'd (All Unbroken)
WOD 3 20:03 (35lb Dumbbells)

Remember anythings bad when it's 200 reps for time!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wednesday, January 6: Wall Balls and Pull-ups

Not going to hit this one up today, but I will give it a wirl tomorrow. That's a lot of wall balls...ouch!

Five rounds for time of:
50 Wall-ball shots with 20-pound ball to ten-foot target
25 Pull-ups