Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31: 10 Sets...

Well took it nice and easy today, that was until I did 10 sets of push related movements. That's when it got nice and miserable.

Warm Up:

WOD #1
Tabata Abs
Oblique Glute Ham Sit-ups (Alternating each rep)
Leg Raise Cross Chops, 25lb Plate
Atomic Sit-ups, 20lb Med Ball
Supine Leg Lifts

Jacob 7,25,10 and 8 Tabta scores

WOD #2
10 Sets of:
10 Dumbbell Flat Bench, 55lb DB's
10 Triangle Push-ups (Thumbs and index fingers touching to form triangle)
10 Dumbbell Kick Backs, 35lb DB's 10x each arm
*2 Minutes rest after each set

Broke sets 9&10 on the push-ups 7-3 and 6-4

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, August 30: Crossfit Fitness Test #5 Run, Thruster and L Pull-up

So with the Crossfit Fitness Test complete here's how I sized up...

Test 1: 20pts.
Test 2: 11pts.
Test 3: 18pts.
Test 4: 16pts.
Test 5: 17pts.

Grand Total: 82pts (B-)

All I can say is, damn! I can only imagine the types of beastly guys who would score in the 90's on this. It was a fair fitness assessment and I can't wait to see how I fare next time I give this a try.

Warm Up:

WOD #1
Crossfit Test 5:
For Time:
800m Run
21 Thrusters, 75lbs
21 L Pull-ups

Performance: The thruster must originate from a full squat each rep. The “L” pull-ups are pull-ups with the legs extended straight out in front of the athlete. Any pull-up where the heels fall below the butt or the legs bend other than slightly is disallowed. The thruster and “L” pull-ups need not be performed consecutively, i.e. without breaking. Any grip is O.K. for the pull-up, but the range of motion must be complete.

Scoring: The entire effort is timed from the start of the run to the last pull-up. A time is returned in minutes and seconds.

4-20 Points Score as follows...
4pts. 6:00-5:53
5pts. 5:52-5:45
6pts. 5:44-5:38
7pts. 5:37-5:31
8pts. 5:30-5:23
9pts. 5:22-5:15
10pts. 5:14-5:08
11pts. 5:07-5:01
12pts. 5:00-4:53
13pts. 4:52-4:45
14pts. 4:44-4:38
15pts. 4:37-4:31
16pts. 4:30-4:23
17pts. 4:22-4:15
18pts. 4:14-4:08
19pts. 4:07-4:01
20pts. 4:00>

Character: This test is classic CrossFit. The combination of a monostructural metabolic exercise (running) combined with a high demand weightlifting movement (Thruster: front squat/push press), and a super demanding bodyweight movement (“L” pull-up), all for time, is distinctly CrossFit and is directly indicative of an athlete’s total capacity.

Jacob 4:20 (800m 2:44, Thrusters unbroken, L Pull-ups 10-5-3-3)

Score: 17pts.

WOD #2
Pick one set weight and complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps of:
Overhead Squat
Barbell Lunges
Barbell 1/4 Squat Jump
*1 minute rest between each movement

Jacob 95lbs, all sets unbroken

WOD #3
6 Attempts for max reps of:
Straight bar curl, 95lbs
Pull-up, 45lb Dumbbell
*Go from one movement to the next and then rest 2 minutes after each couplet

SBC 12, PU 5
SBC 12, PU 5
SBC 10, PU 5
SBC 11, PU 5
SBC 12, PU 6
SBC 12, PU 6

Rick did some OPT stuff and then a Elgin Garage Gym Met Con.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Overhead Squat, 75lbs
Airdyne, Calories

Rick 9:32

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Have Tasted The E.G.G. Pack... And It Is Good!

So here is the first official run of E.G.G. Packs. Good news is they are freaking awesome! The taste is phenomenal, the ingredients top notch and they definitely do the job as far as satiating any athletes paleo hunger. The bad news is they are a little time consuming and I can't really make any money off these unless I start employing my 14 year old brother and other types of slave labor to do my dirty work.

None the less if anyone wants to try one, let me know and I'll send one your way and give you a full list of the ingredients, nutritional content, where to buy what you'll need to make these tasty treats and step by step instruction on how it's done, or if you really like them maybe be we could work something out... I don't know like 10% less then whatever Paleo Kit equivalent order you would like. I can think about the feasibility and my ears are always open, so I'll let you know.

Oh and after a little experiment I did decide to put a little "special sauce" on these E.G.G. Packs to moisten up the turkey meat and further delight the taste buds.

It's no secret just water, Paprika, Cinnamon and dash of Almond Butter... It really makes for an amazing taste!

Sunday, August 29: Crossfit Fitness Test #4 1RM Deadlift and Max Reps Handstand Push-ups

Warm Up:

Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1
*5 Handstand Push-ups after each set

Jacob 225-275-325-350-375

WOD #1
Crossfit Test 4:
1RM Deadlift, followed by max rep Handstand Push-ups

Performance: Ramp up to a one-rep max and within 30 seconds of completing the deadlift begin the handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups must bring the ears below the hands so they needs to be done on parallel bars, parallettes, or some other raised platform like chairs or books. Using the wall for balance is O.K.

Scoring: Multiply the deadlift load in pounds by the number of handstand push-ups completed.

4-20 Points Score as follows...
4pts. 3,500-3,824
5pts. 3,825-4,149
6pts. 4,150-4,474
7pts. 4,475-4,799
8pts. 4,800-5,827
9pts. 5,828-5,775
10pts. 5,776-6,263
11pts. 6,264-6,749
12pts. 6,750-7,562
13pts. 7,563-8,375
14pts. 8,376-9,188
15pts. 9,189-9,999
16pts. 10,000-11,249
17pts. 11,250-12,499
18pts. 12,500-13,749
19pts. 13,750-14,999
20pts. 15,000+

Character: This duo represents a reasonable estimate of an athlete’s total strength- relative and absolute, upper and lower body.

Jacob Deadlift 425lbs(PR), Handstand Push-ups 25

Score: 16pts. (425x25=10,625)

WOD #2
OPT WOD's from 08/28/10
12 Minute progression up to 1RM Rack Jerk

Jacob 165-185-215-245-265(Failed)-265(PR)

3 Minute Rest then...

21-15-9 reps for time:
CTB Pull-ups
Burpees, 12" Jump

Jacob 3:52

6 Minute Rest then...

800m Run for time:

Jacob 2:32

And now I'm offically tired and sore as hell, later!

Saturday, August 28: Rest Day

Feeling beat up and tired, not like this guy... Time to rest.

Rich Detamble, the man, the myth. Glad you're back.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 27: Crossfit Fitness Test #3 Tabata Squats and Max Muscle-ups

So in addition to the 3rd Crossfit test Kenny and I were brave enough to tackle an Elgin Garage Gym classic "The 50 Cal.", and believe me it's never easy.

Warm Up:

WOD #1
Crossfit Test 3:
Tabata Squats followed by 4 minutes of Muscle-ups

Performance: After the eighth Tabata Squat interval the athlete gets ten more seconds of rest and then has 4 minutes to complete as many muscle-ups as possible. The muscle-ups need not be consecutive, i.e., without rest. All squats must be from below parallel to full extension of the hip and leg.

Scoring: The test score is the Tabata Squat score (weakest number of squats in each of eight intervals of twenty seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest) multiplied by the number of muscle-ups completed within four minutes. Total time for test: 8 minutes.

4-20 Points Score as follows...

4pts. 180-206
5pts. 207-232
6pts. 233-258
7pts. 259-284
8pts. 285-314
9pts. 315-344
10pts. 345-374
11pts. 375-399
12pts. 400-431
13pts. 432-464
14pts. 465-496
15pts. 496-524
16pts. 525-559
17pts. 560-594
18pts. 595-627
19pts. 628-659
20pts. 660+

Character: The Tabata Squat is a CrossFit classic testing both athletic hip function as well as aerobic and anaerobic capacity. The muscle-up is arguably the single best upper body exercise. This combination alone is suggestive of an athlete’s total fitness.

Jacob Squats 20, Muscle-ups 30

Score: 18pts. (20x30+600)

WOD #2
"The 50 Cal"

5 Rounds for time of:

Start with the number 50 and subtract your max ring dip or pull-up reps. This new number will be the calories you must row in order to end the round, both numbers combined totaling 50. Note reps, calories and time for each round.

***Each round followed by 3 minutes of rest***

Jacob (04/23/09)
Round 1: 1:16 30RD/20 Cal.
Round 2: 1:35 20RD/30 Cal.
Round 3: 1:35 23RD/27 Cal.
Round 4: 1:41 21RD/29 Cal.
Round 5: 2:14 14RD/36 Cal.

Jacob (07/29/09)
Round 1: 1:16 34RD/16 Cal.
Round 2: 1:26 27RD/23 Cal.
Round 3: 1:37 25RD/25 Cal.
Round 4: 1:39 22RD/28 Cal.
Round 5: 2:12 15RD/35 Cal.

Jacob (08/27/09)
Round 1: 1:06 34RD/16 Cal.
Round 2: 1:24 26RD/24 Cal.
Round 3: 1:51 17RD/33 Cal.
Round 4: 1:56 18RD/32 Cal.
Round 5: 2:08 17RD/33 Cal.

Average Round: 1:41.2

Here's our first rounds...

Kenny (08/27/09)
Round 1: 1:29 21RD/29 Cal.
Round 2: 1:35 20RD/30 Cal.
Round 3: 1:44 18RD/32 Cal.
Round 4: 2:02 14RD/36 Cal.
Round 5: 1:51 14RD/36 Cal.

Average Round: 1:44.2

This WOD is murderous to say the least!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 26: Crossfit Fitness Test #2 15RM Clean and Jerk

Warm Up:

Squat Clean 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 135-145-155-165-185

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 135-145-155-165-185

WOD #1
Crossfit Test 2:
Clean and Jerk 15 Reps

Performance: There is no time limit, but the weight cannot be rested on the ground. Resting at the hang, rack, or overhead is O.K. At the ground, the athlete must touch and go. Technique is otherwise not critical.

Scoring: The score is exactly the load lifted.

4-20 Points Score as follows...

4pts. 115-119
5pts. 119-124
6pts. 125-129
7pts. 130-134
8pts. 135-140
9pts. 141-146
10pts. 147-152
11pts. 153-159
12pts. 160-166
13pts. 167-174
14pts. 175-182
15pts. 183-189
16pts. 190-198
17pts. 199-207
18pts. 208-216
19pts. 217-224
20pts. 225+

Character: This classic movement is traditionally an excellent test of overall strength, but when performed at 15 reps becomes an extraordinary metabolic challenge as evidenced by max heart and respiratory rate.

Workout: This test can be practiced as a workout by completing the test and then repeating at twelve and nine reps with the same load, resting between efforts as needed.

165lbsx9 (Failed)
160lbsx12 (Failed)
155lbsx13 (Failed)

Score 11pts.

Then Out of frustration...

WOD #2
5 Minutes Max Reps
Floor to Overhead, 155lbs

Jacob 38 Reps (2010 Crossfit Sectional PR 40)

I'm still happy doing 77 floor to overheads at an average weight of 155lbs)

Kenny 48 Reps (2010 Crossfit Sectionals best score 47... Kenny Wins!!)

I really think if you game this test like a bear complex and rest the weight in you waist during a partiat squat like in a bear complex challenge you can push out a few more reps. I will do that next time.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 25: Crossfit Fitness Test #1 1RM Bench Press and Max Reps Pull-ups

Well I know that my fitness level in not nearly where it used to be, nor is it anywhere near where I'd like it to be, but this is going to be a good baseline determinate of how to judge it. This looks to be an awesome test of overall fitness capacity thought up by none other then "The Coach" himself. Spread out over a five day period you are to complete one test each day and score yourself among the below point system. I'm going to religiously make this a once every three months kind of thing so mark your calenders, cause it's on!

Warm Up:
Stretch 5-10 minutes

WOD #1
Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3
*Complete 10 CTB Pull-ups after each set.

Ring Dips (Strict) 10-10-10-10-10
*Complete 3 Pull-ups, +45lbs after each set.

WOD #2
Tabata Abs
Glute Ham Oblique Twists, Alternating
Toe Touches
Atomic Sit-ups, 20lb Med Ball
Oblique V-ups, 2 minutes each side

WOD #3
Crossfit Test 1:
Bench Press 1 rep max followed by max set of Pull-ups.

Performance: Ramp up to a one-rep max and within 30 seconds of racking the lift begin the pull-ups. Any grip is allowed on the pull-ups as long as the range of motion is complete - all the way up and down.

Scoring: Multiply the bench press load in pounds by the number of pull-ups completed.

4-20 Points Score as follows...
4pts. 6,000-6,531
5pts. 6,532-7,062
6pts. 7,063-7,593
7pts. 7,594-8,124
8pts. 8,125-8,719
9pts. 8,720-9,313
10pts. 9,314-9,907
11pts. 9,908-10,499
12pts. 10,500-11,156
13pts. 11,157-11,812
14pts. 11,813-12,468
15pts. 12,469-13,124
16pts. 13,125-13,844
17pts. 13,845-14,563
18pts. 14,564-15,282
19pts. 15,283-15,999
20pts. 16,000+

Character: This tests the upper body for both absolute and relative strength and stamina.

Jacob Bench 270lbs, Pull-ups 64

Score: 20pts. (270x64=17,280)

I expanded the scoring on this to account for the vast differences in scores, but it's the same format.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday, August 24: Rest That Neck

Don't know what's up today but my neck is real tight and sore. Going to take it easy and rest up.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday, August 22: 2010 Fittest Fire Fighter Challenge

Well I'm going to head out to McHenry for a Fire Fighter Crossfit Challenge, it shoulde be fun and hard to say the least.

I'll let you know how it goes.

This is what the coarse looked like.

For time complete: (While wearing full turnout gear and SCBA, on air)
18 Ball Slams, 30lbs (Floor to overhead)
9 Tire Jumps, 24" Hold 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
12 Ball Slams, 30lbs
6 Tire Jumps, 24" Hold 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
9 Ball Slams, 30lbs
3 Tire Jumps, 24" Hold 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
50m Run, while carrying both a 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
20m Hand Over Hand Stationary Tire Pull, 90lbs
50m Run, while carrying both a 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
18 Sledgehammer swings, 10lbs (Must come overhead and hit tire with each swing)
9 Burpee to Barrier Jump, 16"
12 Sledgehammer swings, 10lbs
6 Burpee to Barrier Jump, 16"
9 Sledgehammer swings, 10lbs
3 Burpee to Barrier Jump, 16"
50m Run
50m Forward Facing Tire Pull, 90lbs

Jacob 6:57 Rx'd

This is what I looked like before the WOD.

The first tire pull...

Sledgehammer work...

Here I am running, which was the one goal I set out for today. To be the only guy who ran the coarse as opposed to walkinging it... Mission accomplished. People laughed when I told them I wanted to have the energy and strength to run during the transitions, but I did. I just think I held back a little in between and could have moved faster leading up to these parts.

And here I am dead... If you look up above in the before picture I was actually point to the spot where the paramedics should be standing to revive my corpse upon completion of the WOD.

Over all... 2nd Place, 6:57 Rx'd! I was one of only two people who finished sub 7:00, so I can't complain.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday, August 21: 300FY#2

Airdyne for Max Calories in 10 minutes (Target 300)

Jacob 206

This time it was a little better.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, August 20: 300FY and 300, The Good, the Bad and The Ugly!

There's the saying, the good, the bad and the ugly. Well I was all three, good, bad and ugly and kenny was just one... good! We decided to do both Gym Jones 300 WOD's, 300 and 300FY. Kenny kicked butt on both and I was ugly-bad on the first one and then good on the second. But I'm happy I'm alive to speak about it.

WOD #1
Airdyne for Max Calories in 10 minutes (Target 300)

Jacob 200

Kenny 254

And yes my heart did stop beating in this picture.

WOD #2
For time:
25 Pull-ups
50 Deadlifts, 135lbs
50 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Floor Swipes, 135lbs
50 Clean and Press, 35lb Dunmbbells
25 Pull-ups

Jacob 15:02 Rx'd

Kenny 15:36 Rx'd

This is the first time I've ever done this one Rx'd, most of the time, even in crossfit versions of this WOD they often sub for the floor swipes. They're kind of dangerous if you ask me, but so is two 300 work outs back to bad, so what the hell? A floor swip is when you lay on the floor on your back holding the desired weight like the top of a bench press and then extend you legs out straight and the kick both of them up to hit each plate. 1 rep is when to touch both feet to one plate, return them to center and then touch the opposite plate. Real bad stuff they are, real bad!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday, August 19: Deadlift, Devin and Pull/Row/Burpee

So with the whole day off I was feeling ambitious. Some things went well, others not so well, but all and all it was a good time. Even if I suffered through it alone.

Warm Up:
Stretch 5-10 minutes

3 Attempts for max reps of:
Double Unders
*Rest 1 minute between attemps

Jacob 72-92-72 (All PR's)

A whole lot of jumping going on there.

Back Extension 15-15-15-15-15

WOD #1 Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 225-275-325-375-405-425(Failed)-425(Failed) Just didn't have it today.

WOD #2
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Overhead Squat, 115lbs
Airdyne, Calories
Then complete 400m Run, +45lb Sandbag

Jacob 11:20 Rx'd (All sets unbroken)

Kenny 10:20 Rx'd

Well after Kenny beating me at my own WOD as usual, I wanted to take it to him and decided to do the first WOD he did today to hopefully get even.

For Time:
15 Pull-ups
250m Row
10 Burpees
250m Row
15 Pull-ups
250m Row
10 Burpees

Jacob 4:15 Rx'd

Kenny 4:45 Rx'd

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 18: 15-12-9 DB Cleans, Renagade Rows and KTE's

Well I did a unusual WOD at the fire station, but I still felt good after getting my blood pumping.

Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10
*Super set with
Seated Row 15-15-15-15-15

Shrug 135-195-225-265-285
Row 100-110-120-130-140

Shoulder Shrug 10-10-10-10-10
*Super set with
Seated Row 5-5-5-5-5

Shrug 315lbs all sets
Row 180lbs all sets

Dumbbell Curls 15-13-11-9-7 (Each arm)
*Super set with
Weighted Pull-up 3-3-3-3-3

Curls 25-30-35-40-45
Pull-ups 45lbs all sets

Dumbbell Curls 5-5-5-5-5 (Each arm)
*Super set with
Weighted Pull-up 3-3-3-3-3

Curls 60lbs all sets
Pull-ups 45lbs all sets


15-12-9 Reps for time of:
Hang Power Dumbbell Cleans, 55lb DB's
Renagade Rows, 55lb DB's (Total reps)
Knees to Elbows

Jacob 6:03

This WOD was surprisingly tough and really taxed your grip. Got me sweating which was good.

Tuesday, August 17: Rest After A Lot of Work!

Well, after a 24 hour shift at the station I had a 3 hour break yesterday an WOD'ed yesterday, worked 11AM-12AM in the ED and it was busy as usual, the went to bed by 1AM only to have to be back in the ED at 7AM-7PM. So as you can imagined I just passed out after work and slept the night away only to be back at the FD for another 24, but so is life... busy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Monday, August 16: Daily Double

Monday's are always the busiest day of the week, so let's get to it...

Warm Up:

WOD #1
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Unders

Jacob 5:06 Rx'd

10 Minute Rest

WOD #2
5 Rounds for time of:
5 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
10 CTB Pull-ups

Jacob 5:39 Rx'd

20 Minute Rest

WOD #3
Go to work in the ED for 12 hours on a Monday...

This is the one that I worry most about.

Sunday, August 15: The Rest Day Prestige

Well after 4 in a row today was a good day to rest. Watched part of The Prestige today, what an amazing movie about the consuming nature behind obsession. I love this movie, truely a great film.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday, August 14: Weighted Lunges and Weighted Pull-ups

Ken and I were up to our usual in the Elgin Garage Gym. He went with the OPT site WOD and I did HQ's plus a little extra. It went well and I'm not in pain, so I guess I can't complain.

Warm Up:

Weighted Lunges 75-50-35-25-20

Jacob 75-95-115-135-155

Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 90-100-115-125-135-145(Failed)-145-150(PR Tie)

Tabata Abs
Atomic Sit-ups
Oblique V-ups
Toe Touches
Lying Leg Raises

Snatch 5-5-5-5-5

Kenny 95-115-135-140-145

Handstand Push-up Ladder 1-10

5 Sets of 30 Unbroken Double Unders

Kenny 9:06

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, August 13: Shoulders and 10-1 Tire/KBS

Well today was fun and I absolutely love that tire. Amazing how it just gets heavier and heavier as the WOD goes on.

Warm Up

WOD #1
10 Rounds for max reps of:
Seated Dumbell Press, 55lb DB's
Handstand Push-ups, 2" Parralettes
*Go untill failure from one movement to the next, then 2 minute rest between rounds.

DBSP 10, HSPU 05
DBSP 10, HSPU 05
DBSP 08, HSPU 04
DBSP 07, HSPU 04
DBSP 08, HSPU 03
DBSP 06, HSPU 03
DBSP 06, HSPU 03
DBSP 04, HSPU 03
DBSP 04, HSPU 02
DBSP 01, HSPU 03

Total: DBSP 64, HSPU 35

WOD #2
10-1 alternating ladder for time of: (10-1, 9-2, 8-3...)
Tire Flip
Kettelbell Swings, 2 Pood

Jacob 8:33 Rx'd

Ashley and Rachael worked out the morning and here are a few pictures of Ashley doing Wall Balls.

I think she did...

3 Rounds of:
10 Wall Balls, 10lbs 10' Target
Max Jump Rope Singles
10 Kettelbell Swings, 20lbs
*Rest as nedded between rounds.

Way to go with that 10' target, most impressive!

Thursday, August 12: Chest and Tri's Old School.

What a beautiful day at the fire station, hot but beautiful none the less.

Old School Chest and Tri's WOD

Wide Grip Flat Bench
Close Grip Bench Press
Cable Pull-downs
Seated Skull Crushers
Cable Flys
Dumbbell Kick Backs

My body is sore so I know it did the trick.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11: The Humid Double

An OPT WOD today...

WOD #1
Tabata Pistols (Alternating legs every 20/10)
10 second rest
5 Minutes Max Sets 10 Unbroken CTB Pull-ups
10 second rest
75 Box Jumps, 36"

Kenny 87, 6 sets and 6:14

Jacob 57, 7 Sets and 7:04

Kenny is the pistol king!

WOD #2
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Floor to Overhead, 95lbs
200m 50m suttle run

Jacob 3:57

Kenny 3:59

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 10: 50-30-10, Burpee, Tire and Overhead!

Once again I could get to a WOD at the fire department yesterday, so I got to give this a shot today. We'll I'm happy I finished, happy I'm not hurting and happy it's done. This was a killer workout and I'm going to try to get everyone to give it a go in the not too distant future.

On a lighter note today is the day of my big GRE exam, we'll see how that goes, but the beauty of it is that once I'm done, I can get back to WOD'ing and hitting it hard.

I'm so excited... and nervous!

Warm Up:

7 Rounds of:
1 Clean and Jerk, (Increasing weight per round)
2 Tire Flips
3 Burpees
4 DHCTBPU (Dead Hang Chest to Bar Pull-ups)
*Rest as needed after each round

Jacob 115-135-155-175-195-205-225


For time:
50 Burpees
30 Tire Flips
10 Floor to Overhead, 185lbs

Jacob 11:11 Rx'd (Failed my last rep, otherwise would have beem 10:45'ish)

Way to go Ashley on finishing one heck of a 5 rounder... Not easy, but you did just fine and never gave up.

5 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
25 Tire Jump-ups
15 Med Ball Floor to Overhead, 20lbs

Ashley 30:21