Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 22nd


Run 5k

Damn cold morning for a run. But we slogged through it for the downtown Elgin 5k! Sorry for the lack of pictures today. It's hard to run and take a good picture...

Jacob, a.k.a. The Skunk: 21:02

Nate, a.k.a. The Mongoose: 22:57

Shane, a.k.a. The Mountain: 32:18

Tuesday, October 21st


10 Rounds for time of:
-12 Burpees
-12 Pullups

Again, one that looks easy but is more of a beast than first glance. Damn burpees...We added a twist for this one and tacked on a bonus 5 rounds that would give us a total of 180 of both burpees and pullups.

Jacob tackled the workout at 13:28, and made 21:09 with the bonus. Shane went for 21:42 on the rx'ed rounds and did 32:06 with the bonus. Nate did 17:42 for the workout but was dead to the world to try and do the bonus rounds...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 20th

Max rounds in 20 minutes of:
95# Thruster x 5
95# Hang Clean x 7
95# Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10

At first glance, this one doesn't seem so bad but its much more evil than you could ever imagine. Shane went at Rx'ed for 4 full rounds and 3 thrusters. Nate drop the weight to 85# and got 7 rounds and 5 thrusters. Jacob eeked out 12 full rounds at 95#.

Preparations are underway for acquiring a squat cage for Crossfit Szafranski. In the coming weeks we're hoping to roll-out a 13 week squat routine and training program to work on squat form and total weight. More information to follow!

Sunday, October 19th

Rest Day

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday, Octber 18th

"Filthy Fifty"
-50 Box Jumps
-50 Jumping Pullups
-50 KBS (1 pood)
-50 Walking Lunges
-50 KTE
-50 Push Press (45#)
-50 Back Extensions
-50 Wall Ball shots
-50 Burpees
-50 Double Unders

No one did the "official" work out of the day. Jacob, fresh off a two day rest, did Cindy for 28 rounds. That's two a round increase from his previous record. Good work Jacob! Shane rowed for max distance in 20 minutes for a total distance of 3,577m. Nate did "300" for a time of 20:57.

Friday, October 17th


As many rounds as possible in 20 mins of,
-5 Pullups
-10 Pushups
-15 Squats

Cold morning! Shane and Nate went head to head and both made 19 rounds in 20 minutes. Jacob took at rest day.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday, October 16th

Snatch 1x5

Nate borrowed one from Gym Jones today to do "The Vomit Comet."
3 Rounds for time:
-21 Thrusters
-15 KBS @ 1.5 pood
-12 PUs
-9 Burpees

For once the burpees were not that bad but the thrusters followed by the kettlebells were downright torture. Total time to finish was 12:34. Not a bad showing! Shane did the WOD of the day as Rx'ed followed by a few muscle-ups. No word yet on Jacob's WOD at the FD.