Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12: "Elizabeth" and "Fran II"

A bloddy claw is all I have left to show for my efforts, but that's all I need.


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Jacob 6:28 Rx'd (PR)

Shane 11:20 (95lbs)


Shoulder Press 5x5: 80/85/90/95/100
Push Press 5x5: 90/95/100/105/110

This is the pace Evan and I set up this morning with his Fran time.

21's Running Clock Time-1:10(40/30)
15's Running Clock Time-2:05(35/20)
9's Running Clock Time-2:45(25/15)

Low and behold Evan busts out a 2:43(PR).

21's Running Clock Time-1:03(41/22)
15's Running Clock Time-2:05(38/24)
9's Running Clock Time-2:43(21/17)

Evan 2:43 (PR)

After Evan's heroic Fran, I was inspired to do a little extra and did these two WOD's for a cool down.

5 Rounds, not for time of:
10 Incline Bench, 45lb Dumbbells
5 Squat Cleans, 155lbs
10 Ring Dips, none kipping

Then Evan and I did some weighted running intervals.

200m Run, 135lbs

Jacob 0:46, 0:48, 0:43 and 0:46 (Shoulder load carry.)

Evan 2:00, 1:47 and 1:50 (Chest level carry.)

1 comment:

Craig Fletcher said...

Evan - that was awesome. All reps unbroken. I cannot concieve of being able to do that!! Congrats dude, inspiring!