Row 1000 meters
Then three rounds, 21, 15, and 9 reps of:
GHD Situps
Back Extensions
Let's see what happens.
Jacob 6:18 Rx'd (3:23/2:55)
Complete three rounds for time of:
21 Power Cleans, 155lbs
800m Run
Jacob 17:26 Rx'd
Paul 19:39 (135lbs)
Did this one just for kicks after firing out my cleans at the fire station in a 20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest fashion. Then I decided to do the whole damn thing because I felt so good and had 1/3rd of the cleans out of the way. I actually did the run in my duty boots (Nike Shox Boots!) and over all it went well. Felt toasted afterwards but I was happy I improved my time.
Shane's PM workout at home
Tabata Abds:
Abdominal reverse curl
Toe touches
Side planks right/left
Rest 15 minutes then...
Air squats
Dumbbell lateral rises
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