Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 12

Well I can say these two WOD's are probably the hardest crossfit WOD's I've ever survived. Evan smashed both WOD's with a 1st round time on the deadlift/400m of 1:37 and the two of us had a first round time of 1:15 for the CTB/FS/Burpee WOD, that is until I had a damn meltdown on the second round of front squats. Somebody should have broke out the pooper scooper and carried my sorry butt off the mat, yet I pushed through it and saved what little dignity and self respect I had. I guess the best part was that A. my back isn't broken; the doc's cleared me for physical activity... maybe not crossfit but who cares, and B. I never thought I could deadlift 300lbs for 24 reps in a WOD and front squat 165lbs 30 times either. So I had to celebrate the small victories on this one. The only thing left to say is that Evan is the real deal and remember the name EVQ, because you're going to see it at the top of the leader board in Denver, that is until I climb out of the basement on day 2, I can only hope.

Workout # 1
3 rounds for time of:
8 deadlifts, men - 300 lbs / women - 195 lbs
400 meter run

Evan 5:43

Jacob 6:47

Shane 7:33 (180lbs)

Workout # 2
3 rounds for time of:
10 chest-to-bar pullups
10 front squats, men - 165 lbs / women - 105 lbs
10 burpees

Jacob 8:42

Evan 6:08

Shane 6:15 (90lbs)

Total for Both WOD's:

Evan 11:51

Jacob 15:29

Shane 13:48

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