Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday, April 30

Warm Up

Snatch to Over Head Squat Hold (5 count) to Over Head Squat

*If you don't make it through the progression the set doesn't count

Evan 135-135-160-175-185(F)-190

Jacob 135-135-135-140-145-160-170(F)

Rest, talk about life and politics, or whatever else comes to mind for about 20 minutes while listening to some tunes.


21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster, 135lbs
Ring dips
Kettlebell swings, 2 pood

Jacob 12:01 Rx'd

Evan 11:12 Rx'd

Shane 21:08 (95lbs)

Rest, gasp for air and cry, or whatever else comes to mind for about 20 minutes while listening to some tunes.


Rowing Pyramid

Row 100m
Row 200m
Row 300m
Row 400m
Row 500m

Rest as needed in between intervals.

100m 17.2
200m 32.5
300m 53.5
400m 1:15.7
500m 1:35.6

Rest, sigh in relief, or whatever else comes to mind for about 20 minutes while listening to some tunes, telling yourself you gave it your best.

Well done, you survived today.

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