Tabata intervals are awesome, awesomely bad that is. The idea behind a tabata set is to tax yourself in fashion that you hit complete muscle exhaustion only to rest for a interval half as long as your prior effort. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, now try to maintain it. Additionally there is the goal of sustained output, and the ability of maintaining said output despite the fatigue associated with the work itself. Hit it hard, hit it fast, and hit it again and again and again and you'll have a taste of tabata. 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times per movement, with no rest between movements.
Tabata Something Else:
Pull-ups 121
Push-ups 125
Sit-ups 123
Squats 148
Total: 517 Rx'd
Don't know if it's a PR, but it's close.
Pull-ups 78
Push-ups 117
Sit-ups 110
Squats 137
Total: 442 Rx'd (PR)
Nate looked as if he was just starting fresh the whole way through, couldn't believe how easy he made a PR look. Great job Nate, way to crush it.
Was hoping for a 500+, something like 525 or better but 517 isn't bad either, especially after watching the HQ clip of the WOD. I'm not much of a form stickler, but those sit-ups were questionable at best. You can see those people for the most part were just going forearms to thighs which are totally suspect, as opposed to chest to thighs. Going chest to thighs practically double your ROM and zaps your reps to were getting 15 during an interval is freaking amazing, making 20 rep counts damn near impossible.
Just my opinion though, nothing more.
There were tons of bullshit reps throughout that whole workout. That's one of the hard things about huge workouts is there is no one to call people out on their reps and with Crossfit everyone is so concerned about fast times or high scores that form goes out the window.
I think a good rule of thumb for sit ups is your palms should be able to smack the top of the weights that hold your feet in place.
Word to your mother!
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