Elgin 5K Challenge Rules:
Shane "The Mountain" Nowak
Vital Stats:
5K Run: 29:28
10K Run: 1:02:35
Shane Nowak, just run a 5K and try not to die in the process, for time. Note, Shane is not allowed to have any physical contact with any other race participants, nor can he sabotage anyone else while completing the race. Additionally he must “run” the entire race, no exceptions will be made.
Jacob "The Man Child" Szafranski

Vital Stats:
5K Run: 19:19
10K Run: (With 20lb vest and 100 Burpees) 58:08
Jacob Szafranski must run the race with a 40lb weight vest and complete 10 burpee’s every 1K while running the race for time. In order to complete the race Jacob must run 5K and complete 50 burpee’s all while wearing his weight vest. Note, the only time Jacob is allowed to remove his vest is upon completion of the race and/or if CPR needs to be initiated, which ever comes first.
There are the rules, who will be the victor?
Well whoever wins this is what they have to look forward to…
Winner: Entry fee for the race will be covered by the loser and there will be videotaped footage of the victor having his prize money thrown at his feet while the
loser bows before him and touches his glorious shoes.
Loser: Will be booed and hissed until the winners throat is sore and parched, also they’ll have to live with the humiliation of defeat.
So who’s going to win, let me know.
HMMM...well this is a tough one. Considering I am dating one of the competitors I must vote for Jacob "skunk man??" Very fitting name :)Good luck!
I'm not one to boast or make outrageous claims, but I predict Shane will finish his 5K in 28:30 or there abouts and I will finish in 26:30 or better. Shane doesn't have a chance on this one and I intend to crush his spirits early by having him look at my back during the beginning of the race as I get further and further away from him. Also I predict I will get a lot of strange looks and some pissed off runners as I drop into full burpee right in the middle of the race.
This will be awesome and Shane Will be my b#$%&, get ready to loose some cash and dignity Nowak, becasue there's no way you're going to beat me... I think.
"...Shane is not allowed to have any physical contact with any other race participants..."
Is this the first time Shane hasn't been allowed to molest the participants? If so, I've got $10 on The Mountain!
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