Headquarters said to do "Kelly", but knowing I had to work the next three days I figured I'd postpone it and save my legs the agony of three days of 12 hours on my feet...So instead I saddled up to do 75 Hang clean and jerks at 95#, with 5 pull-ups and 5 pushups every time the bar is set down. However the idea of saving my legs caught up with me at about C+J 50, when my lower legs started to hurt all along the sides of the tibia and deep in the leg with every lift and step I took.
I finished out the workout but my guess is I've either developed stress fractures or osteochondritis from all the punishment to my legs this week between lifts, running, and some serious milage on the road bike. Either way the next few days are probably going to be a mix of upper body, and core workouts to save the legs from feeling like this anymore...
75 Hang C+J (95#)
**5 Pull-ups, 5 push-ups every time the bar is set down**
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Jump Squats, 45lbs
Double Unders
Evan 2:19
Jacob: 2:50
Three rounds of:
25 Glute Ham Sit-ups
25 Knee's to Elbows
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