Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday, May 23

After much needed rest... I'm back!

5K Row

Jacob 19:31 (PR)

Shane 25:43

Couldn't believe I kept my strokes down to 21 per minute. I wanted to quit so bad a couple of times, but pushed right through it. I'm on your heels Craig.

"The Six Pack"
6x DL
6x Bent-over Row
6x Hang Cleans
6x Front Squats
6x Push press
6x Back Squats
*6 Dead hang pull-ups every time the bar is set down*

Choose three successive weights, do two sets at each weight; 6 total sets
75# (12 DHPU)
85# (18 DHPU)
95# (30 DHPU)

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