There comes a day when you obtain a goal you once thought impossible, today was that day for me. After 16 months of crossfit today I completed a sub 3 minute Fran, and I’m still in disbelief. There is no question about it, crossfit works. The movement, the conditioning, the determination and mental fortitude are all there when training with crossfit. Weaknesses improved, movements refined and character hardened, some even say forged, but it’s true. You can recreate and/or redefine yourself within crossfit. I never was a serious athlete, and never one to excel in such a domain as fitness, but this is what it took. A commitment to the principles set out by HQ and a adherence to the modalities of training that crossfit encourages in the betterment of fitness. No jokes, no gimmicks, no quick fixes, just hard work. Additionally no worthwhile journey in life is traveled alone; I could not have come so far without the commitment, determination and support of my friends and training partners. Every rep counted, every PR accomplished, every plateau pushed, by each and every one of you guys, thanks. Where to from here? Who knows, but it’ll be fun getting there together, as we have been so far.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster, 95lbs
Shane 8:16 (85lbs)
Jacob 2:53 Rx'd (PR)
Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Nate 95-105-115-120(PR)-125(PR)-130(f)-130(PR)
Evan ... Can't remember but I do know he did 10x175-10x175-10x175 plus some other lifts.
20 minute rest then...
For Time:
50 Burpees
Evan 5:16 as opposed to 6:23 just 3 days ago
Jacob 3:48 as opposed to 4:10 just 3 days ago
15 minute rest then...
3 Rounds, not for time of:
Pull-up Skill Development
1. 18,40,30
2. 15,35,20
3. 12,40,15
1. 20,45,30
2. 18,40,10
3. 16,50,N/A
Baaaaaaad Assssss man!!!! A sub 3 Fran is legendary. Now let's see that video!
The video is up, enjoy.
I'm pumped too, felt good!
Freaking awesome. ROM looked legit from where I'm sitting!! Amazing! Freakish! Sean and I are gonna be yelling in your ear during Saturday's qualifier WODs out here. We'll be there by 7AM that day setting up and whatnot. Sleep well the night before Mr. Machine.
Are other guys from your garage gym competing too, like Evan?
Just Evan and myself, we're going to be the only one's from around here that I know of. Kinda sad though, there is this guy at tricitiescrossfit in St. Charles near me who is insane. His last name is Judge and he's rediculous... I think his Fran time is something like 2:37. He was going to go, but then I think he backed out.
Tricities has some really impressive stuff going on over at their box, but I just stick to the garage collective and seem to do alright. Evan is more competition then I know what to do with for every WOD that comes up. So I figure until Shane and Nate have no more insulting slurs to yell at me, or Evan get's tired of leaving me in his dust, I should be just fine for another year or two.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Fletcher, Evan and I are going to leave it all on the mat in Denver, I just hope it works out.
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