On a side note Shane PR'd his SRM Weighted Pull-up and Over Head Squat and I PR'd my SRM Over Head Squat for a double and my Weighted Pull-up also.
Over Head Squats 5-4-3-2-1-1-1
Weighted Pull-ups 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

After this Evan and I closed with the European Qualifier Day 2 WOD.
AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
250 Meter Row
10 Burpee's
10 Ring Dips
Evan 9 Rounds +7 Burpees Rx'd
Jacob 9 Rounds Rx'd
Here's some video of the day's work...
A 200 lb overhead squat???? WOW!!!
Hey, the guys on my blog didn't want it open to everyone in WWW land so I locked it down to just invited people. Obviously you guys are all invited, just send me your email addresses.
I see, well I guess it would be crossfitszafranski@gmail.com.
Yeah, I hadn't done overhead squats in a while but was able to pull a good lift out there.
Looking foward to checking out your site again Fletcher, let me know.
Till then...
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