Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, April 6

Today HQ's WOD was not on the agenda, but rather over head squats and weighted pull-ups. Evan, Shane and myself all gave it a go and here's how it went. I just have to comment that not everyone followed the number of sets and reps as listed, but whatever numbers you see they were either where they should be on the progression or more as far as reps went.

On a side note Shane PR'd his SRM Weighted Pull-up and Over Head Squat and I PR'd my SRM Over Head Squat for a double and my Weighted Pull-up also.

Over Head Squats 5-4-3-2-1-1-1
Weighted Pull-ups 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

After this Evan and I closed with the European Qualifier Day 2 WOD.

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:

250 Meter Row
10 Burpee's
10 Ring Dips

Evan 9 Rounds +7 Burpees Rx'd
Jacob 9 Rounds Rx'd

Here's some video of the day's work...


Craig Fletcher said...

A 200 lb overhead squat???? WOW!!!

Hey, the guys on my blog didn't want it open to everyone in WWW land so I locked it down to just invited people. Obviously you guys are all invited, just send me your email addresses.

Elgin Garage Gym said...

I see, well I guess it would be

Yeah, I hadn't done overhead squats in a while but was able to pull a good lift out there.

Looking foward to checking out your site again Fletcher, let me know.

Till then...