You don’t always succeed in meeting all life’s goal. You try, but no one’s perfect and you sometimes fail. This can be a humbling experience especially when big mistakes are made, but many great things come from these failures as long as you have a mindset that allows you to see opportunity in failure. Believing in one’s self is one thing, but believing in ones failures as a key to achievement and success is another. Pushing through life despite the set back’s of a missed opportunity is hard, but future opportunity is what’s at stake, and this is the test. A WOD can be the focus of your own shortcomings and failure, your life might be just the same, but despite the difference in magnitude of the two the trick is the very same principles that apply to your personal commitment to lifelong fitness and conditioning apply to lifelong living, success and personal growth. When you fail to meet your expectations and goals, remember that this is life’s test. Pass or fail to those of us who move forward and improve or stagnate and succumb to that failure… You decide.
Evan hit up one of the Ausi WOD's after he wasn't satisfied with his last time... This was only 2 days ago, but that's the determination needed to improve and improve he did.
Remember there are Pull-ups and then there's this... Great work Evan, way to push it.
21-15-9 Reps for time:
Pull Ups
Row 400m
Evan 10:20 Rx'd
I opted to follow the HQ WOD toady and take it easy, I guess.
Hang Power Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Jacob 170-180-190-200-215-220(Clean, no Jerk)-220 (Clean, no Jerk)
PR'd the Clean but not the Jerk, success and failure.
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