Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wednesday, April 8

Let's squat suckers!!!

"Welcome to your doom"

For Time:
75 Reps Body Weight Back Squat
***Each time you break a set***
5 Chest To Bar Pull-ups and 5 Clapping Push-ups

Jacob (171/180lbs) 13:52 Rx'd
35 Pull-ups and 35 Push-ups
Sets 23-10-10-9-8-8-7

Shane (128/130lbs) 16:15 Rx'd
45 Pull-ups and 45 Push-ups
Sets 15-10-7-8-8-7-6-7-7



Craig Fletcher said...

This sounds like an awesome WOD. I want to do this one. You guys are nuts, and bad ass, and I like it!

Elgin Garage Gym said...

Can't seem to view your blog Fletcher, what can I do to fix that?

Give this WOD a try and let me know how it goes.