Three rounds for time:
10 Clean and Jerk 135lbs
15 Ring Dips
20 KBS 1.5 Pood
21-15-9 Reps for time:
Pull Ups
Row 400m
I think for the rowing it's a total of 3 400m rowing intervals (400m for the 21's 15's and 9's) and the clean and jerk is a squat clean and jerk. Pull-ups? I'll just assume CTB as the standard...I think?
So why not give them a try?

Nate and I didn't like the WOD for the day plus Jake still hasn't put a rope hanging from his house. How can he expect us to fall if he doesn't have a rope.
5 rounds
Max rep BW DL (130 lbs)
Max rep Pull-ups
Rest as needed between each set
DL 22-17-17-14-15=85
PU 36-25-25-21-21=128
Total 213
DL 25-21-21-21-25=113
PU 15-17-17-17-21=87
Total 200
Three rounds for time:
10 Clean and Jerk 135lbs
15 Ring Dips
20 KBS 1.5 Pood
Jacob 10:24 Rx'd
Evan 7:00? Rx'd (I don't think anyone in Austrailia has a chance on this one.)
21-15-9 Reps for time:
Pull Ups
Row 400m
Jacob 8:59 Rx'd
Evan 12:00? (400m run in place of row.)
Just a note... I talked to Skip from Front Range CrossFit about this, and he made it clear that the qualifying WOD's will be different for each region. This is for obvious reasons, later scheduled regions would have an advantage knowing what to train for in advance. All qualifier WOD's will indeed measure power output and CrossFitness evenly across all of the competitors in said region!
Rock on guys!
I just did the 2 Ausi WOD's for their qualifiers in under 2 hours...I think I'm gonna die.
I know all the WOD's will be different, but I also know their going to be harder then most HQ WOD's, so I think I'm gonna stick with doing those as much as I can until Denver.
Tomarrow...the Europe WOD's, ugh!
Later Fletcher
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