At CFSZ our idea of rest is Fight Gone Bad "Task Priority", and our idea of working out is playing video games, go figure. Silent Hill Homecoming awaits tonight. So I figured since I'm gonna be a slouch this evening I might as well hit it hard this morning. It also helps when you have Crossfit Games 8th place finisher Evan "EVQ" Von Qualen smashing the WOD before you making the main site video's performance seem tame at best. Hard is as hard does and today, well... today FGB was hard to say the least and so were we.
Task Priority FGB
3 Rounds of: (Each round followed by 1 minute rest.)
20 Wall Balls 20lb
20 SDHP 75lb
20 Box Jumps 20"
20 Push Press 75lb
20 Calories Row

1. 2:46
2. 3:23
3. 4:09
Total: 10:18 Rx'd

1. 3:16
2. 3:55
3. 4:28
Total: 11:39 Rx'd
Nate and Shane worked out later in the morning, I don't know what Shane did but he did do something though.
75 Muscle Snatch (75lb) for time:
Nate 10:25
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