Some might say today is a good day to rest. I say however, a rolling stone gathers no moss, and today... today there will be no moss.
"Jacob's Ladder"
10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Jerk
Start at 135lbs, adding 10lbs each time you decrease your reps by 2, then subtract 10lbs each time you increase your reps by 2.
**Each time you let go of the bar, for any reason, do 10 Push-ups**
Well this one hell of a WOD got delayed, sorry. I worked a night shift and only got 1hour of sleep 8AM-9AM before everyone showed up. So I probably wasn’t in the best shape for it anyways, but this will get on Friday and there will be video to boot.
Evan hit up FGB and smoked it with a near PR of 353 (372 PR) and closed with more work on pull-ups.
Nate, Alex and I all did a clean and jerk progression as follows.

Squat Clean and Jerk
Nate and Alex
clean and jerk
You have to explain the science behind this to us mortals who actually have this idea that rest days are good for you, and when a rest day comes up, you rest! :-)
What is wrong with you people? :-)
Well, I don't know what to say other than I had to put off this WOD for friday, because Evan wanted to do FGB and I had 4 people over in the garage this morning and was a little short on space for a met con of this nature. I ended up doing something else with my younger brother and my buddy Nate.
As for rest day WOD's, I just think that it's a good time to A. brush up on area or things you want to work on, i.e. abs, olympic lifts ect... Or B. Punish yourself a bit so you can have one in the bank for when a WOD you don't feel like doing comes up. So you can say with a clean conscious, I deserve a break today, that's all.
Our weights for the C+J were actually: 75-85-95-105-115f-110
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