Today Evan and I will once again go head to head and give our best at completing the two WOD’s posted for the Northern California Qualifiers. We’ll see how it turns out since we're both going to take a 30 minute break between WOD’s and try to hit them hard back to back.
I’m sure video will follow…as long as Nate has nothing to do with it.
For time:
Row 500m
30 Burpees
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (165lbs)
Jacob 4:10 (2 reps where not counted on shoulder press, no full lock out)
Shane 6:10 (95lbs)
Nate 4:58 (95lbs)
Evan 4:14 Rx'd
30 Minute Rest then,....
Max reps in 10 minutes of:
Ground-to-Shoulder (185lbs)
Jacob 68 (32 MU, 36 PC)
Evan 61 (27 MU, 34 PC)

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