Sometimes when you tell yourself something, mentally you believe it to be true so much to the point where your body just follows suit. Expectations can become reality if you believe them to be a truth rather than an opinion on a matter. Today was a perfect example of that kind of self empowerment and determination. Shane, Nate and I all believed when getting ready to do the first qualifying WOD of the Great Basin Crossfit Games consisting of power snatches and sand bag carries that we had a total of 5 rounds of snatches and 5 rounds of carries to complete the WOD, but actually the last carry was extra and the WOD finished with the snatch. Determined to put up respectable times we all paced out our time and set goals based on our expectations believing them to be reasonable and true. Disappointed with the WOD after it was done thinking of how to improve we all moved on, only to find out that our times were even faster because we believed we had to do more just to stay competitive. This time going above and beyond was not a matter of desire but of necessity, we all thought that’s what had to be done, going the extra mile or in this case the extra 100 yards.
Snatch (power or full) x 5 reps (135#/95#)
Short Sandbag Carry (90#/70#)
Snatch x 4 reps
Sandbag Carry
Snatch x 3 reps
Sandbag Carry
Snatch x 2 reps
Sandbag Carry
Snatch x 1 rep
Jacob 3:59 Rx'd
Shane 9:09 (75lb snatch)
Nate 5:15 (90lb snatch)
EVQ making the Muscle Snatch look good since 1989...Dig it!
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