Aside for our hotel room being pretty sweet here's the deal...
Well day one of the sectionals is complete and I'm as proud of my performance so far as I am disappointed. The first WOD I totally choked on, and could have done so much better, and have in the past. Yet the second WOD I did better then I ever would've imagined and really surprised myself. I don't think there was a single guy there my size put up more reps then I did, and I finished tied for 11th overall and a 3 way tie for first in my heat. That part I'm proud of, but as for tomorrow here's what I'm up against.
For time:
20 Thrusters,95lbs
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95lbs
20 Push jerks, 95lbs
20 Overhead squats, 95lbs
20 Front squats, 95lbs
*Start WOD with 4 Burpee's then Complete 4 Burpee's every 1 minute until you finish all 100 reps.
Jacob 7:58 (32 Place)
WOD 2:
In 5 minutes complete as many Clean and Jerks as you can at 155lbs
Jacob 40 (11th Place)
Day 1 results can be found at http://scores2010.crossfit.com/scoring/p/25/
Jacob 17th Place
Midwest Sectionals WOD #3
For reps complete:
5 Minutes Row, Calories
4 Minutes Box Jumps, 24"
3 Minutes Hang Snatch, 75lbs
2 Minutes Wall Balls, 20lbs
1 Minute Handstand Push-ups
Reps and calories are points, highest points total wins.
Should be interesting to say the least!
I just keep telling myself, top 30 move on... so I hope I power through tomorrow.
good luck jacob!
Jacob, awesome job man. I was tracking your results all weekend long. Way to kick some serious ass. Congrats! Your hardwork has paid off. Keep it going, Denver awaits!
Chris from the C2C CF Crew
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