For your listening pleasure please enjoy...
Artist: Broadcast 2000, Album: Broadcast 2000
Listen at Hypem.com, featured track I Hold My Breath
Body still feeling run down, still haven't had more then 4 hours sleep in a row and I feel like rest would do me some good. Excuses, excuses... I know.
Looks like you kicked ass at Sectionals. Rest, my friend, your body needs it, even if you are gunning for more. BTW, everytime I read your WOD, I think to myself that you are insane, even for a CrossFitter.
Peace from WCCF!
Thanks, sectionals was fun... a little nerve-racking, but fun. I feel like I'm in a little run down lately and I'm at the fire station tonight so I didn't feel like beating myself up like I usually do. Tomorrow I'm going try to get things back on track and get a game plan as to what my training should consist of until the end of April when Regional rolls around.
But thanks Beck... I try.
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