Kind of went at this one at 90%, but plan to go all out 1 or 2 more times before sectionals.
Warm Up:
2K Row, 3:00 Rest
1K Row, 1:30 Rest
500m Row, 0:45 Rest
250m Row, Done
Jacob 2K 7:22, 1K 3:29, 500m 1:37, 250m 0:47
1 Minute Ladder, once you time out at one couplet move on to next ladder starting over again.
Ladder 1:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 135lbs
CTB Pull-ups
Jacob 9 Rounds, +9 SDNP, +5 CTBPU
Ladder 2:
Kettelbell Swing, 2 Pood
Glute Ham Sit-up
Jacob 10 Rounds, +11 KBS
Ladder 3:
Ring Dip
Jacob 10 Rounds, +11 RD, +5 Burpee
Ladder 4:
Wall Ball, 20lbs
Back Extension
Jacob 13 Rounds, +14 WB, +8 BE
Total Time: 35 Minutes, Total Reps: 555
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