Warm Up:
Bench Press 15-10-5
Jacob 130-180-220
WOD #1
5 Rounds for max reps of:
Bench Press, Body Weight
*Immediately complete push-ups after bench set, do not rest until after push-ups are complete.
Jacob (BW 171lbs, BP 180lbs) 15/25, 15/25, 12/28, 12/25, 6/25

Total BP 50, PU 127
WOD #2
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Kettlebell Swing, 2 Pood
CTB Pull-up
Jacob 5:43 Rx'd
Shane 9:46 (1.5 Pood, PU)

Evan 6:27 (45lb 1 Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch)

WOD #3
"The 50 Cal" Light (3 Rounds instead of 5)
3 Rounds for time of:
Start with the number 50 and subtract your max ring dip or pull-up reps. This new number will be the calories you must row in order to end the round, both numbers combined totaling 50. Note reps, calories and time for each round.
***Each round followed by 3 minutes of rest***
Jacob RD 27/Cal 23 1:14, RD 22/Cal 28 1:30, RD 20/Cal 30 1:59
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