OPT Fitness Challenge final Results.
Workout 4:
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
75 double unders
Evan "EVQ" Von Qualen
W1: 2:15
W2: 2:09
W3: 42
W4: 12:12
Jacob "The Man Child" Szafranski
W1: 2.4
W2: 3:01*(Started the WOD at 0:31 on the timer)
W3: 59
W4: 10:20
Shane "Hairless Midget Sasquatch" Nowak
W1: 1.5
W2: 5:39 (60 lbs)
W3: 48
W4: 21:50 (95 lbs C&J)
It was fun, but most of all it was hard!
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