Well 3 WOD's 1.5 hours and endless pain, that's what the day called for and that's what the day got me. Enjoy...
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Squat Clean, 135lbs
Ring Dips
Jacob 6:59 Rx'd (PR 6:28)
21's 2:05 (This round ruined the whole WOD, way too fast!)
15's 2:55
9's 1:59 (Took me 59 seconds to do 2 cleans and 9 ring dips, oh so tired.)
15 Minutes rest then...
400 meter Walking lunge for time:
Jacob 9:23 Rx'd 320 steps (Garage door out and back to garage door.)
Started Tabata intervals at 6:30 and it worked quite well, should so that for the whole WOD next time.
15 Minutes rest then...
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
15 Double-unders
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 Back extensions
Jacob 17 Rounds +15 Double Unders
I know I could get 18 rounds on this one because I had to adjust the Glute Ham twice during the WOD eating up at least 30 seconds of time. Only messed up 2 sets of the double unders!

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