This WOD was a freaking slayer. Knocked me on my butt after sleeping 3 hours in a recliner at the fire station last night. I'd rather put a pistol to my temple rather then do this WOD again any time soon. Nate show up and "showed up" everyone on this one. Way to go Nate, you owned this!
Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:
25 Burpees
Body weight back squat, 15 reps
Jacob 5 Rounds +4 Burpees (170lbs) (All Burpee sets unbroken!)
Shane 4 Rounds +9 Burpees (125lbs)
Nate 5 Rounds +10 Burpees (135lbs)

I would shoot for a round every 3:30 and then rest 30 seconds at the end. Worked well.
Rest then...
30 Mega Muscle-ups (Not for time!)
*1 Mega Muscle-ups is 1 false grip ring pull-up, into 1 muscle-up, into 1 ring dip. ALl in one continuous movement. No kipping and full turn out with each movement.
Jacob 11:58 Rx'd
Felt good afterwards.

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