Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday, November 17: OPT Fitness Challenge

Thought I'd give the OPT fitness challenge a try, however I can't complete the last WOD untill I get off work, so I'll see how it goes anyways.

Warm Up WOD

Seated Shoulder Press 20-15-10-5

Jacob 65-95-115-135

Seated Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 155-155-155-155x4-155x3

30 minute rest then...

Workout 1:
For power ratio:
Row 800 m

Rest 5 minutes

Workout 2:
7 sets (95#/60#) for time;
Power Snatch x 1
Snatch Balance x 1
OHS x 1
Hang Squat Snatch x 1

Rest 5 min

Workout 3:
As many rounds (total reps) in 3 minutes;
3 chest to bar chin ups unbroken
3 push up burpees

Rest 4 hours

Workout 4:
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
75 double unders

Workout 1:
row 800m; take your avg watts for the 800m divided by your bodyweight in lbs = your score (to the first decimal place) (i.e. 360 avg watts/180 lbs = 2.0); you have exactly 5 min total rest after row until workout # 2 begins
Workout 2:
once you power snatch the 1st rep, the bar cannot rest on ground until the hang squat snatch is complete; there are 7 sets with 4 reps/set; bar must drop to upper back after power snatch then with hips completely straight you drop to full squat under bar; the hips must then straighten with bar overhead before you perform your OHS; then hips must come to full extension with bar overhead at top before you drop bar to thigh for hang squat snatch; again hips must then come to full extension with arms straight overhead at top before dropping weight to ground; time taken for 7 sets is your score; you have exactly 5 min rest after last hang squat snatch is complete before workout # 3 begins
Workout 3:
burpees - chest to deck and jump to touch object with one hand at 7' for females/8' for males at top of burpees; total reps for 3 minutes is score; you have EXACTLY on the clock 4 hours (240 min) after last rep is complete before you begin workout # 4
Workout 4:
knee grazes ground and full ext of hips at top for lunges; anyway to lockout overhead is good for clean and jerk, there has to be 2 movements (you cannot snatch it); biceps to rings and arms START and FINISH at full extension for dips; sit to ball for wall balls; 2 hands overhead for sit ups to touch ground or object when body with arms outstretched overhead; ear must be visible from side with arms overhead for swings; time taken is score

And just for kicks...

And here's the lock out.

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