Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thursday, January 29

The theme for the day was mental toughness at all times. Whether you're with your friends, by yourself or at some gym, a PR is a PR. Elizabeth was the HQ WOD and I was hard pressed to find the needed motivation to get excited about the WOD. It's one thing to tell yourself that "this time" is going to better, faster and more focused then the last, but actually doing it is a whole other matter, especially when it comes to a WOD that calls out your weaknesses. So I decided to let the chips fall where they may and went after the WOD with the needed intensity to tell myself at the end that I did my best and improved. All alone, in the garage, a PR is a PR.

Shane hit this one up later in the evening. As for Nate....who knows?

Warm Up:
Shoulder Press 15-15-10-10-5-5-3-3-1-1
Each set followed by 10 Over Head Squats (Tech bar only) and 10 Floor Handsprings

Jacob: 95-95-115-115-145-145-155-155-165-165
Shane: 40-40-50-50-55-55-60-60-70-70

10 Minute Rest followed by

Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Jacob 8:39 Rx'd (PR)
Shane 16:56 (95lbs)

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