A whole lot of work got done today. We'll see how my body feels tomorrow.

Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10
*Immediately followed with...
Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-5-5-5
Jacob 180/70-220/70-270/70-290/70-310/70
5 Rounds of:
Shoulder Press, Kettelbell Swing, CTB Pull-up 5/10/15 (Complete all 3 then rest!)
Jacob 135/2 Pood, 140/2 Pood, 145/2 Pood, 150/2 Pood, 155/2 Pood, 160/2 Pood, 165(PR)/2 Pood
3 Rounds of:
Max Hang Clean and Jerk, 155lbs
Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
Jacob 6/10, 6/10, 6/10
Will do another 2 WOD's this PM... It's crunch time!
The PM session...

10 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts, 135lbs
15 Push-ups
Jacob 8:48 Rx'd

"Sit-up Death"
For time:
25 Knees to Elbows
50 V-ups
75 Glute Ham Sit-ups
100 Sit-ups
Jacob 11:31
I seriously thought I could go sub 10:00 on this one, boy was I wrong!
1 comment:
Hey Jacob -
How'd you like the DL/Push-up WOD for 10 rounds. Saw that one and am going to take that on when I am feeling 100%.
5 WOD's in a day - tough stuff! Way to stick with it. Regionals is right around the corner m'man.
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