Going to have to put this off until tomorrow, ran all night into the morning at the fire department and needed to sleep before I went into work in the ER...
Workout 2 "Double Down"
Overview: This WOD actually consists of two short workouts. You will start the second workout exactly 20 minutes after you start the first one, so your rest is determined by the time it takes you to finish the first workout. Your score for this event is the combined times of both workouts, and based on this time, you will be ranked from fastest to slowest.
Part 1
4 Rounds for time of:
9 Squat Cleans (135/95lbs)
6 Handstand Push-ups
Part 2
For time:
30 Hang Squat Snatches (75/43lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
750m Row
20 Minute rest then...
Workout 3 "Six Max Efforts"
Overview. This WOD is composed of six different individual events, each done for max effort. You will have 3 minutes for each event to complete your max effort, followed by 3 minutes of rest (when you move from one event to the next). You will be ranked in each event individually, earning you 6 independent scores. Your total score for this WOD is the cumulative rank of all 6 scores. For example, an athlete that is ranked 1 in all six events will get a score of 6, and will be ranked in first place for this WOD.
Event 1: Row - 3 minutes - max calories
3 min rest
Event 2: Deadlift (275#/185#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 3: L-sit - accumulate as many seconds as possible in 3 minutes
3 min rest
Event 4: Overhead Squat (95#/65#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 5: Pull-ups (chin over bar) - one max effort without coming off the bar
**must begin pull ups within 5 seconds of the start**
Rest begins when you finish your pull-ups until start of run (6 min after start of pull-ups)
Event 6: 800m Run for time
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