Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday, March 30: NorCal C2 Part II and HQ

I wanted to give this metcon a try after seeing the NorCal times. Sick, sick, sick, those California guys and girls are a crazy bunch.

WOD #1 (Northern California C2 WOD Part II)

For time:
50m Sprint
25 Burpees
100m Walking Lunges
5 Rounds of:
15 Reps Shoulder to Overhead, 45lb Dumbbell Press
100m Farmers Carry, (45lb Dumbbells, 50m out and back.)
25 Burpees
500m Row
450m Run

Jacob 15:46

Not quite like HQ wanted but good none the less.

WOD #2

1 Round every minute, until failure of:
3 Front Squats, 185lbs
7 L Pull-ups

Jacob 7 Rounds +3 Front Squats and 2 L Pull-ups

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29: Push Jerk Heavy

Warm Up:
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 115-135-145-155

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 155-165-175-185-195-205-215-225-235-245(PR)

Even Hudson PR'd!

And Evan has officially got down the butterfly kip as you can see here. Way to go Evan, all that hard work payed off.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday, March 28: OPT Say's...

OPT says...

For time:
30 Pull-ups
15 Deadlifts (225/155lbs)
400m run
30 Push-ups
15 Push Press or Jerk (135/85lbs)
30 Squats
15 Front squat (135/85lbs)
400m run
15 Deadlifts (225/155lbs)
30 Pull-ups

Jacob 9:59 Rx'd

Kenny 12:19 Rx'd

Notice that regardless of who does this WOD the end result is the same...ask Evan.

Evan 11:09 Rx'd

Both runs were from the garage out the front door and back, 400m+ and 40 degrees outside.

Saturday, March 27: Thruster and Oblique V-ups

Warm Up:
10 Minutes stretching, then...

Thruster 15-10-5

Jacob 75-95-115

WOD 1:
Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
*After each set complete 15 Oblique V-ups, each side.

Jacob 115-135-155-165-175-185-195

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26: Snatch, Muscle-up and Mountain WOD 3

Well today I kind of went through the motions of what it would have been like to do the Mountain Sectionals WOD's 1 and 3, but not 2. My lower legs are too beaten up after doing box jumps to run. I can say with total certainty I would not have been able to pull off a top 3 finish their, those WOD's are not my kinda thing... but we'll see.

Warm Up:
Snatch 5-4-3-2-1

Jacob 90-110-120-130-140

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


WOD 2 (Mountain Sectionals WOD 3)
As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
6 Squat Cleans, 135lbs
9 CTB Pull-ups
12 Box Jumps, 24"

Jacob 6 Rounds +2 Squat Cleans, 6.07 Score (Mountain Sectional top 5 score spread 6.22-5.78)

I did this WOD with 145lb Squat Cleans cause I had 2 25lb bumpers on each side left over from my snatch attempts.

For time:
30 Muscle-ups

Jacob 3:53

I think if I had done WOD 1 from the mountain sectionals my best option would have been to pull a 150 on the snatch and just do as many muscle ups in 11 minutes or so. I've done 60 muscle ups for time in 10 minutes so I feel safe in estimating my score to fall in the 280's range, but that still would have only put me in the top 15 and knocked me out of the top 5 running most likely.

Thursday, March 25: Double Trouble Rest Day

Rest day for some of us, double trouble for others.

This can't be good...

And on a side note Shane "The Goods" Nowak made his first sale today with his new job and netted himself a hefty bounty. Way to go Shane, the first one's always the hardest to come by, but now it's all down hill.

Wednesday, March 24: Fire House WOD's

Alternating Dumbbell Curl 15-15-10-10-5-5(Each Arm)
*Super set with
30 Alternating Ab Ball Crunch Twists
30 Alternating Ab Ball Oblique Crunch

Jacob 40-40-50-50-60-60

6 Rounds, not for time, of:
5 Weighted Pull-ups, 45lbs
10 Reverse Grip Straight Bar Curls, 95lbs

6 Rounds, not for time, of:
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows, 175lbs
20 Toes to Bar

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday, March 23: Shrug, Overhead Squat and Metcon.

So I was able to break the 205lb overhead squat plateau today... Felt good!

Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10

Jacob 225-245-265-285-305x15

Evan 225-245-265-285-305

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
CTB Pull-up
Box Jump, 30"
Glute Ham Sit-up

Jacob 7:44

Evan 10:52

Over Head Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 130-140-150-160-170-180-190-200-210(PR)-220(Failed)

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Ball Slams
7 Ring Dips

Evan 5:20

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 22: SoCal WOD 1

For time:
100m Run
5 Flight Stair Run Up, +45lb plate (79 steps and 10 landings.)
70 Squats, +45lb plate (Cannot drop weight or you have to start over.)
5 Flight Stair Run Down, +45lb plate
35 Push Press, 45lbs
5 Flight Stair Run Up
15 Thrusters, 135lbs
5 Flight Stair Run Down
35 Burpees
5 Flight Stair Run Up
35 Wall Balls, 20lbs
5 Flight Stair Run Down
70 Double Unders
100m Run

Jacob 16:16 Rx'd

Evan 23:18 Rx'd

38 degrees outside, and it sucked! Lungs are still burning.

Sunday, March 21: Just Do Something!

Warm Up:
Bench Press 15-10-5

Jacob 135-185-205

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 225-225-225-225-225

6 Rounds, not for time:
15 Ring Dips
20 Push-ups
*Didn't rest between movements, but rested about 1 minute between rounds.

6 Rounds, not for time of:
15 Lat Pull-down, 90lbs
10 Bent Over Rows, 175lbs

For time:
25 Knees to Elbows
50 V-ups
75 Glute Ham Sit-ups
100 Sit-ups
125 Lying Cross Chops

Jacob 14:38

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday, March 20: Back Squat

Wanted to try to recreate SoCal WOD 1 but all the snow outside really put the squash on that, so I think I'm have to try it another day. So I decided to back squat and test my knee and my hip that have felt tight lately, I think it went well.

Warm up:
Stretching 10-15 minutes

Back Squat 10-10-10-10-10


I don't think I've ever tried squating for a 10 rep max, but I know I have another 20lbs in me... I know it.

I didn't sleep well so I called a day early and have to go to work.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday, March 19: Finally SoCal WOD 3!

Workout 3 "Six Max Efforts"

Overview. This WOD is composed of six different individual events, each done for max effort. You will have 3 minutes for each event to complete your max effort, followed by 3 minutes of rest (when you move from one event to the next). You will be ranked in each event individually, earning you 6 independent scores. Your total score for this WOD is the cumulative rank of all 6 scores. For example, an athlete that is ranked 1 in all six events will get a score of 6, and will be ranked in first place for this WOD.

Event 1: Row - 3 minutes - max calories
3 min rest
Event 2: Deadlift (275#/185#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 3: L-sit - accumulate as many seconds as possible in 3 minutes
3 min rest
Event 4: Overhead Squat (95#/65#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 5: Pull-ups (chin over bar) - one max effort without coming off the bar
**must begin pull ups within 5 seconds of the start**
Rest begins when you finish your pull-ups until start of run (6 min after start of pull-ups)
Event 6: 800m Run for time

1. 80 Calories (16 pts.)
2. 31 Deadlifts (13 pts.)
3. 62 Seconds L-sit (55 pts.)
4. 39 Overhead Squats (22 pts.)
5. 44 Pull-ups (1 pt.)
6. 2:51 800m Run (16 pts.)

Total Points 123 (Top 5 points spread in SoCal 133, 154, 170, 170 and 175)

The only to events I have to state might not have been Rx'd was the L-sit, I only had my perfect push-up hand holds to balance on and once my feet hit the ground I stopped counting (my hands were only 4" off the ground, not as much room as parralettes). And my 400m run was not on a track, it had several turns and even 6 stairs and hill at the end, so I guess it's still should count.

Thursday, March 18: Rest Day, Sick Day

I think I drank all 3 of these bottles today...ugh!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 17: Murph and WOD 2

Alight here we go...

Part 1
4 Rounds for time of:
9 Squat Cleans (135/95lbs)
6 Handstand Push-ups

Jacob 4:45 Rx'd (Top 5 times spread in SoCal 4:45-5:18)

Part 2
For time:
30 Hang Squat Snatches (75/43lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
750m Row

Jacob 6:45 Rx'd (Top 5 times spread in SoCal 6:33-7:20)

Total: 11:30 Rx'd (Top times in SoCal 11:18, 11:33, 11:44, 12:29 and 12:38)

I'm going to have take on WOD 3 tomorrow, the public health department called and said they were going to close down my gym if I didn't clean up all the vomit and animal stool. I told them that's the way we like it, but they didn't want to hear it. Seriously though I have to clean house before I head into work for a 12 hour shift in the ED.

Nate on the other hand pounded out Murph Rx'd.


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
*All with 20lb Vest

Nate 37:30 (PR)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, March 16: SoCal WOD's 2&3

Going to have to put this off until tomorrow, ran all night into the morning at the fire department and needed to sleep before I went into work in the ER...

Workout 2 "Double Down"
Overview: This WOD actually consists of two short workouts. You will start the second workout exactly 20 minutes after you start the first one, so your rest is determined by the time it takes you to finish the first workout. Your score for this event is the combined times of both workouts, and based on this time, you will be ranked from fastest to slowest.

Part 1
4 Rounds for time of:
9 Squat Cleans (135/95lbs)
6 Handstand Push-ups

Part 2
For time:
30 Hang Squat Snatches (75/43lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
750m Row

20 Minute rest then...

Workout 3 "Six Max Efforts"

Overview. This WOD is composed of six different individual events, each done for max effort. You will have 3 minutes for each event to complete your max effort, followed by 3 minutes of rest (when you move from one event to the next). You will be ranked in each event individually, earning you 6 independent scores. Your total score for this WOD is the cumulative rank of all 6 scores. For example, an athlete that is ranked 1 in all six events will get a score of 6, and will be ranked in first place for this WOD.

Event 1: Row - 3 minutes - max calories
3 min rest
Event 2: Deadlift (275#/185#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 3: L-sit - accumulate as many seconds as possible in 3 minutes
3 min rest
Event 4: Overhead Squat (95#/65#) - 3 minutes - max reps
3 min rest
Event 5: Pull-ups (chin over bar) - one max effort without coming off the bar
**must begin pull ups within 5 seconds of the start**
Rest begins when you finish your pull-ups until start of run (6 min after start of pull-ups)
Event 6: 800m Run for time

Monday, March 15: Burpee Wall Ball!

5 Rounds for time of:
30 Wall Ball Shots, 20lbs
30 Burpees

Jacob 18:18

All burpees unbroken... a little slow at times but I never stopped.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, March 14: Deadlift Heavy, Bench Light.

Warm Up:
Bench Press 15-10-5

Jacob 135-185-225

Bench Press 20-20-15-15-10-10

Jacob 135-135-155-155-185-185 (Had to go a little light because I didn't have a spotter.)

Warm Up:
Deadlift 15-10-5

Jacob 185-275-315

Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

Jacob 325-335-345-355-365-375-385

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, March 13: Weighted Pull-ups and "Kenny J."

Started the day off with weighted pull-ups for reps and then did this little WOD named after the birthday boy... Kenny.

Happy Birthday Kenny!

Weighted Pull-ups
10 Sets for max reps increasing weight every 2 sets, weight and sets as below:

Jacob: Reps, 20-14-11-10-10-11-8-10-7-7

Kenny: Reps, 10-9-6-5-4-4-3-12/40lbs-11/40lbs-6/40lbs

"Kenny J."

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Kettlebell Swing, 2 Pood
Ring Dips
Power Clean, 155lbs

Jacob 8:06 Rx'd

Kenny 11:40 Rx'd

Friday, March 12: Rest Day

Featured Artist: Dan Black Album: Un

Check out the song Yours

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday, March 11: HQ MOD WOD

Had to modify this one a bit since I don't have 50lb dumbbells, but I feel it's an honest sub.

3 rounds for time of:

30 Double-unders
25 L Pull-ups
20 Squat Cleans, 155lbs

Jacob 21:01 Rx'd

Game plan on this one was to get through the DU as quick as possible and then do 5 LPU's every 30 seconds, lastly doing 5 squat cleans on the minute. The L-ups where the hardest part to keep pace with, but I think if I went for 6 squat cleans a minute I'd be close to sub 20:00. Next time... when ever that will be?

Oh and on a PR note Nate broke the 7:00 mark on his Fran time. Way to go Nate!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 10: 5 WOD's today?

A whole lot of work got done today. We'll see how my body feels tomorrow.

Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10
*Immediately followed with...
Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 180/70-220/70-270/70-290/70-310/70

5 Rounds of:
Shoulder Press, Kettelbell Swing, CTB Pull-up 5/10/15 (Complete all 3 then rest!)

Jacob 135/2 Pood, 140/2 Pood, 145/2 Pood, 150/2 Pood, 155/2 Pood, 160/2 Pood, 165(PR)/2 Pood

3 Rounds of:
Max Hang Clean and Jerk, 155lbs
Max Dead Hang Pull-ups

Jacob 6/10, 6/10, 6/10

Will do another 2 WOD's this PM... It's crunch time!

The PM session...

10 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts, 135lbs
15 Push-ups

Jacob 8:48 Rx'd

"Sit-up Death"

For time:
25 Knees to Elbows
50 V-ups
75 Glute Ham Sit-ups
100 Sit-ups

Jacob 11:31

I seriously thought I could go sub 10:00 on this one, boy was I wrong!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 9: Rest Day

Featured Artist: Aidan Knight Album: Versicolour

Album Single: The Sun


Monday, March 8: Front Squats

Front Squat 25-20-15-10-5-1-1-1-1-1
*Exactly 2 minutes rest after each of the first 5 sets, then only 1 minute rest after each single.

Jacob 95-115-135-185-205-225-225-225-225-225(Failed)

This was a fun and difficult progression, I liked it.

Sunday, March 7: Rainy Helen


3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 KBS, 1.5 Pood
12 Pull-ups

Jacob 7:16 Rx'd

Felt slow on the runs, but it was 40 degrees and raining outside so I didn't want to slip and fall.

Saturday, March 6: Rest Day

After 5 in a row I need a break!

Jacob Rest Day

Friday, March 5: "Fran"


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster, 95lbs

Jacob 2:56 Rx'd (Best times 2:34(PR), 2:56 and 2:58)

Thursday, March 4: Bi's and Tri's... Boring!

Old school weight lifting WOD!

Dumbbell Curl (DBC) 15-15-15-10-5
*Super set with
Standing Skull Crusher (SC) 15-15-15-10-5

DBC 35's-35's-35's-45's-50's
SC 50-50-50-70-80

Hammer Curl (HC) 15-15-15-10-5
*Super set with
Tricept kick backs (TKB) 20-20-20-15-10

HC 40's-40's-40's-45's-50's
TKB 25-25-25-30-35

Dumbbell Curl and Press to Tricept Extension 15-10-8-6-4

Jacob 30-35-40-45-50

Wednesday, March 3: Weight Vest Hill Sprints and AMRAP Shoulder Press, Floor Press, Push-up

WOD #1
5 Rounds for time of:
350m Hill Sprints (175m up and down)
*Rest in between sprints as long as it took to complete the previous sprint.

Jacob 1:13, 1:12, 1:12, 1:15, 1:11 (All completed with a 20lb Vest)

WOD #2
AMRAP in 30 minutes of:
5 Push Press, 135lbs
10 Floor Press, 135lbs
15 Push-ups

Jacob 10 Rounds

*Floor Press is a bench press while lying on the floor

Tuesday, March 2: Overhead Squats, 1 Min Max CTBPU and Burpees

WOD #1

Warm Up:
Overhead Squats 20-15-10-5

Jacob 95-135-155-165

Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Jacob 165-175-185-195-205(PR)

WOD #2
5 Rounds for max reps of:
1 Minute Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CTB)
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Burpee's (B)
1 Minute Rest

Jacob CTB41/B25, CTB25/B20, CTB25/B20, CTB25/B20, CTB22/B19

Monday, March 1: Dumbbell SC&P, Deadlift and Squat Clean

Warm Up:
Various stretching movements

WOD #1
Dumbbell Squat Clean and Press 10-10-10-10-10

Jacob 45lb Dumbbells

WOD #2

Warm Up:
Deadlift 20-15-10

Jacob 185-225-275

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Jacob 295-315-335-355-355x3

Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 155-165-175-185-195-205-215

Monday, March 1, 2010