Thought we could all use a TWD (Triple WOD Day) on our Sunday morning.
WOD #1
Desending ladder for time of: (10, 9, 8...etc):
Kettle Bell Swings 2 pood
Sprint 40 yards
Jacob 7:55 Rx'd
Shane 10:45 (1.5 Pood)
Rest as needed then...
WOD #2
3 Attempts at max rep effort: (Rest between movements as needed.)
Bodyweight Bench Press, reps
Knees to Elbows, reps
Chest to Bar Pull-ups, reps

Rest as needed then...
WOD #3
"Forced March"
Holding a 45lb plate, walk as far as you can until you quit. You can only hold the plate below the shoulders, and you can't stop moving for any reason.

Jacob 2 Miles, 45lb Plate

Shane 400m, 45lb Plate

Charlie (6yrs, 50lbs) 750m, 5lb Plate
Jack (10yrs, 80lbs) 1800m, 10lb Plate
Even the neighborhood kids got in on this one. Gotta start em off early, it was a blast.