I'm looking forward to this one because I think I've improved at every part of this WOD. I believe my PR is 18 rounds, so hopefully I can get 19+ some change on this one.
Nate (Not you Nate, the other Nate, the one who doesn't suck!... Just kidding.)
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings, 2 Pood
Jacob (1/2 Nate) 10 minutes
10 Rounds Rx'd
Only did a half version of Nate becasue I did the CrossFit Football WOD first and it really taxed me, not to mention I had to be at the hospital by 11AM. 10 Rounds is not bad but the pace I was at I couldn't maintain for the full 20 minutes. I've had better results in the past with 5-10 seconds of rest after each round with more consistent output with this WOD.

Also thinking about this one too, don't know if I should do it before or after.
CrossFit Football's WOD for tomorrow is
Power Clean, 185lbs
Ring Dips
Nate 4:51 105lbs
Shane 8:59 100lbs
Jacob 6:59 190lbs
Nate worked up to 1RM Power clean, 135 (=PR) Still had lots more in me too. Hoping for 145 next time.
Jacob, my power cleans where so pathetiic and I did not have any coordination on this WOD and was basically going deadlift to hang clean on every rep. After I was done with the WOD I told myself mentally that I wasn't power cleaning the weight, but rather going to squat clean it. This worked without a problem and the weight was flying off the floor into a solid power clean from the ground. I then worked up to a 1RM power clean and did alright, a little too ambititous though towards to end.
Power Clean 1RM
Jacob 190x5-200x3-210(went up easy)-230 Failedx2
PR is 215 for a power clean and 220 for a hang clean, go figure.
Nate 120x3-130x2-135 Failed-135 (Tied PR)
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