Tim Ozanne is a proud father, husband, mountaineer, financial mastermind, crossfiter and good friend. So let's all let Tim known that with Crossfit as in life, it's the size of the fight in the dog, not the size of the dog in the fight. It's all about commitment with Tim, but then again I think we all already known that.
Happy early birthday Tim and don't worry, your Birthday WOD is coming, but now you have to settle for this stupid T-shirt instead.

By the way for those of you who don't know Tim has a 265lb front squat, talk about a bad dude. I think that Tim's face looks something like the T-shirt when he's squating the big weight like he does.
Today CrossFit Football WOD
10 Rounds fot time of:
3 Deadlifts, 315lbs
6 Ring Dips
9 Knee's to Elbow's
Jacob 9:51 Rx'd (I've never deadlifted this much, this fast before in my life, ouch!)
Nate 11:54 @ 225# DL. By the end the deads felt heavy but powered through it still...
Shane 20:29 @ 225#DL. Just a hard WOD!
Very nice! I think that is going to have to go into a special shadow box display with "ALL" my other "trophies" in my "hall of fame!"
Thank you....Much appreciated!
Batavia Timmy 265
You're welcome Tim, but you should thank me when you put it on. I think this shirt will take 30 seconds off your Fran time atleast.
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