Well today was the worse WOD of my life, and fitting because it was my birthday WOD of all things. With each passing day you can't help but feel a little weak or strong, fast or slow, on or off, and today for me was an off day. Strength is a relative thing, relative to what it is you are referencing and with all things strength is evident when you know where to find it. Today I choose to do a WOD that called on all my overwhelming weaknesses and exploited them to the max, but the strength therein lies in not backing down from the things that you know you're going to have difficulties with. Strength today was knowing that the WOD was going to destroy you in every capacity and you were going to suck wind and beg for mercy for over an hour, but you weren't going to back down and quit. More importantly you finished and once again you choose this suffrage and you endured.
You came through it doing something you knew was going to be hard and you survived.
One day at a time, one year at a time, one life at a time.
15-12-9 Reps for time of:
Deadlift, 275lbs
Squat Clean and Jerk, 165lbs
Weighted Pull-up, 45lbs
Then 5K Run
Jacob 1:09:14 Rx’d
Shane 1:06:58 (185lbs/105lbs/15lbs)
Nate 51:44 (185lbs/105lbs/15lbs)

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