Today I had high expectations but low results...
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Weighted Pull-ups (Max Reps) 10lbs-10lbs-20lbs-20lbs-30lbs-30lbs
Shoulder Press 5x1, 75x5-85x5-90-95-100-105(PR)
Push Press 5x3, 80-90-100-105-110-115 (PR for 3)
Push Jerk 5x5, 85-95-105-115-125 (PR for 5)
Weighted Pull-ups (Max Reps) 10lbs-10lbs-20lbs-20lbs-30lbs-30lbs

My legs are still sore and I didn't get to finish my WOD, no big deal, next time.
Hey Jacob! What do you guys think about pre and post WOD meals/nutrition? The conversations on the boards are all over the map. I can't get a consistent answer. Some people say take in nothing after a WOD for at least an hour, while others say eat protien and good carbs within the 40-60 minute window....
I eat right after. I shoot for 50 grams protien and 25 grams carbs after my WOD, then I eat a full meal in about another 1.5 hours. Also you can eat a 15-20 gram protien pre WOD meal if you're trying to bulk up about 30 minutes prior to your WOD, but if you want to trim down or loose weight don't eat before and wait an hour after you WOD before you eat.
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