Just Give it a try and see what you think, that is if you feel lucky.... So do ya, punk!
"The 50 Cal"
5 Rounds for time of:
Start with the number 50 and subtract your max ring dip or pull-up reps. This new number will be the calories you must row in order to end the round, both numbers combined totaling 50. Note reps, calories and time for each round.
***Each round followed by 3 minutes of rest***
Jacob (04/23/09)
Round 1: 1:16 30RD/20 Cal.
Round 2: 1:35 20RD/30 Cal.
Round 3: 1:35 23RD/27 Cal.
Round 4: 1:41 21RD/29 Cal.
Round 5: 2:14 14RD/36 Cal.
Jacob (07/29/09)
Round 1: 1:16 34RD/16 Cal.
Round 2: 1:26 27RD/23 Cal.
Round 3: 1:37 25RD/25 Cal.
Round 4: 1:39 22RD/28 Cal.
Round 5: 2:12 15RD/35 Cal.
I am pumped that I was able to actually improve on this one, and I didn't even look to see what I was trying to beat. I just gave it my best and my best was better than it used to be, enough said.
20 Minute rest then:
8 Rounds of: (Not for time!)
10 Straight Bar Curls, 95lbs
5 Weighted Pull-ups, 56lbs
Also I would like to congratulate Nate and Shane for not dying upon completion of this WOD, it truly is a merciless experience from start to finish.
There really is no reason to post my breakdown for this workout since it's all in black and white (well, orange and white) in the photo. All I know is this is the first workout in a long while to leave me hurting for at least an hour after the workout. By the end of round 3 I was already in pending digestive track reversal. I can't imagine what tomorrow is going to feel like...
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