Well it's that time of year again and the fix is in.
Who will win and be crowned the fittest of the fit?
One things for sure, it's always interesting. Best of luck to all the competitors, they are some true mean machines.
Max Pull-ups (Rest as needed.)
1 Minute Burpee's (Max reps in 1 minute.)
15 Minutes
2 Power Clean and Jerks every minute (90% 1RM)
*5 Burpees evry time you fail to get 2 reps in the minute.
Shane Rounds 1-9 110lbs, 10-12 115lbs and 13-15 120lbs (No Failed Reps!!)
Nate 120lbs 27 Clean and Jerks +15 Burpees
Jacob 200lbs (No Failed Reps!!) at 95% 1RM
I kind of think the whole elimination system for “the games” once again kills the overall ability to truly say who the fittest competitor is, like last years every second counts format.
Here’s my point…
The order of the events, any order of the events for that matter will ultimately favor a particular athlete and their advancement while putting other athletes at a disadvantage, and ultimately out of competition. This elimination process of the 10 lowest scores prematurely narrows the athletic pool, albeit marginally but none the less, to a particular athletic strength and/or domain. Example being that the first event is a long distance run that will undoubtedly toss out the stronger and slower athletes and prevent them from posting their more competitive scores on the deadlift WOD and potentially the row and hammer WOD. This first event favors fast runners, period, ultimately sparing them from the previously eliminated athlete’s stronger deadlift scores, and quite possibly being eliminated themselves. I know this is the nature of competition and maybe even CrossFit, but the more pervasive problem is that this elimination system isn’t accurate because it essentially eliminates certain athletic prowess and skill at a set point in time during the competition, not allowing all domains of fitness to be evaluated, graded and scored. It rather guides the progression of athlete’s by process of selection in lieu of the given WOD and prevents competition in the future events, stifling the legitimacy of the events as a whole.
It’s like a decathlon where the legitimacy of the winner is determined by a combined score of all 10 events, but in this case if the order of the events happens to start off with a competitor’s weakest skill, despite their combined efforts they will not be allowed to advance. Competitors will now be eliminated when they otherwise would go on to do quite well and maybe even win in the all around scoring of the 10 respective events. Imagine what athletes would be eliminated if the first event were let say the deadlift, followed by the row hammer strike, then the short distance sand bag run. You could imagine that the results and competitors left in competition would be different to say the least. My point is that this step by step elimination allows a form of delibrate selection and advancement as opposed to open competition and natural selection. Where based on the event order you can anticipate not necessarily “who” will be eliminated, but rather “what” form of athleticism will be rewarded and what form will be exploited. I honestly believe the “every second counts” cumulative time system is more representative of the best CrossFitter then this current system despite the overwhelming flaws in its applications. The best approach would be to let all competitors compete and score them as they currently have set forth.
So I’ve said my peace, if others feel different then so be it, but I would love to ask anyone if they feel otherwise to answer this. Do you honestly believe that the people with the 10 slowest run times will also be the same people who have the 10 lowest deadlifts? Additionally if the events were swopped, would the 10 athletes with the lowest deadlifts also be the slowest runners?
Rock, paper, scissors…. Rock will beat scissors, scissors will be paper and paper will beat rock… Pick the order, pick the winner.
I know elimination occurs only after the second event but the premiss still stand and I still feel the same way about the events and elimination process as a whole.
Let everyone compete in all the events. No more, no less.
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