Thursday, July 2, 2009

Friday, July 3: Rest day, but...

CrossFit HQ wants Randy, 75 Power Snatch for time, 75lbs

CrossFit Football wants 10/1-1/10 ladder of 75% BW Power Cleans and CTB Pull-ups, with a warm up of 3X5 Push Jerk.

I want rest... well kind of.

Lately I feel tired, but not beat. I still feel that a quick warm up lift session with a little metcon is something that would be of benifit to me, and I'm really begining to warm up to the CrossFit Football's WOD's. I still don't feel focused enough to have some awesome training plan and diet, but I now more then ever just want to get out on in the sun and let loose. I probably should get a good nights sleep and then rest for the remainder of the day, but who knows.

I might... I might not.

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