Today was another day with a heap ton of pull-ups and might I just add that this brings me to a 4 day total of 400+ pull-ups, consisting of weighted, dead hang and kipping pull-ups. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying. The beauty of the WOD however was that it was shared with friends, Aimee decided to come on over and hit up “Murph” with Shane, and might I add this was her first WOD and both her and Shane are troopers in the truest sense especially with a long grueling WOD like ‘Murph”. Asking somebody to subject themselves to 40+ minutes of pain is a lot, but not a lot for these two. Way to go Aimee and Shane, inspiring. Nate also was there and hit up a long descending ladder of KTBS, Burpees, Push-ups, Wall Balls, and Pull-ups, nothing like 275 reps for time to get your blood pumping, now leaving last Evan and myself who followed HQ and did yes, more pull-ups. It was a lot of people doing a lot of work in a little space, but most of all it was a lot of fun too. We all decided to close with a Crossfit Szafranski favorite and do none other than….Yes, tabata sit-ups 5 rounds.
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
For time, preferably with a 20lb vest.
Shane: 55 Minutes Rx’d
Aimee: 45 Minutes

KTBS 1.5 Pood
Wall Ball 20lb
Push –ups
Nate: 19:35

10 Rounds of
3 weighted Pull-ups 45lbs
5 Dead Hand Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups
Track you set and time.
Evan: 23:30 21 Sets
Jacob: 21:30 12 Sets

Tabata Abs 5 Rounds
Toe touches
Oblique V-ups
Ceiling Grabs
Nate: 428
Shane: 383
Aimee: 363
Jacob: 511
Evan: 433
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