Rest day, I don't need a rest day... Well maybe I do?
Jake had to work late at the fire department and then head straight to the vipers den (emergency room). That is why I'm posting, Shane. As with many rest days you still want to do something. So, without anyone there to guide me I made up my own workout. It ended up being a good one.
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
3 Back squat (130lbs)
5 KBS (2 Pood)
7 Push Press (75lbs)
Shane 11 rounds
And Jacob says, hey Nowak get back to work. You know we do 30 minute AMRAP WOD's at Crossfitszafranski, so step it up. Just kidding Shane, the last thing I want to see after 36 straight hours of working is you corpse on the floor of my garage when I get home. Anyways I did my favorite 25 minutes of power WOD at the FD before roll call.... You guessed it... Tabata Abs!
Leg Raise Crunch
Lying leg Raises
Oblique Pull-down Crunches
Seated Machine Crunch
Oblique V-ups
Didn't count the reps though.
And Nate2k replies, both of you got nothing on me! Come try and hang for the WOD at the casa-de-Nate and see what happens...Just make sure to register who your next of kin are when you come through the door. I did a quick evening workout before I crashed. No tabata abs like JacobSZ but enough walking lunges to make me wish I had!
3x6 Turkish Get-ups (3 sets each arm; 6 sets total)
30 Manmakers for time; 14:22
Shoulder Press
Front Barbell Raise
Lateral DB Raise
Hang Cleans
Reverse Grip Curls
Walking Lunges w/ 35#DB 45-45-45
Nice job Shane. I like the AMRAP idea with those movements. Was that bodyweight back squat or just a weight you like to use for 3 reps?
I'm trying to get my hamstring/glute in order and GTG a little bit so I did this today:
25 Squats
25 Push Ups
25 Back Squats 45#
25 Pull Ups
25 Front Squats 45#
25 Knees 2 Elbows
25 Overhead Squats 45#
25 Sit Ups
I didn't time it, just kept it moving and tried to stay focused on form in the squats.
Are you going to shag it down to Batavia one of these days?
That is my bodyweight but I was not thinking about that when I decided on the weight. I wanted something between light and heavy back squats, considering my max is 170 lbs.
Thats not a bad workout. A lot of different squat movements in there. I think I may need to try that out one day.
It seems that every time that you guys are getting together I need to work that day.
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