Warm Up:
15 Reps of 155lb Squat Clean and Jerk for time
Jacob 2:31
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
Many times you know a WOD is going to be tough. It's going to drain you, it's going to tax you and you're probalby not going to standing at the end of it. FGB is on of those WOD's, a lot of Crossfit WOD's are those WOD's. Determination however, was the key today. We were snowed in, cold, wet and determined, each and everyone of us. Not quite sure about what though. No one was spouting a PR before the first wall ball was done, but Nate, Shane and myself all looked up our last performance on FGB and we were determined. We we determined to give it our best shot and throw everything we had behind our respective performances of the WOD. It paid off, for every body. Well done guys, well done.
Nate 259...(237)
Shane 183...(173)
Jacob 406...(401)
Now on a lighter note if anyone can correctly match all the comments that were said during the coarse of FGB with the person who said it... well I don't know, but you'll have a better idea of how things went.
Ansewrs are: (Can be multiple answers)
A.) Nate
B.) Jacob
C.) Shane
1."All this diarrhea is rediculous."
2."Do I look bad? Yeah.... I feel bad too." (A two for one)
3."Get me off this damn thing!"
4."I think I'm gonna die."
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