Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions
Jacob 7:26 Rx'd
Nate 9:35 (20lb Vest)
Shane 9:09
Evan (All Pull-ups Chest to Bar)
BP 17 PU 15
BP 14 PU 20
BP 13 PU 21
BP 13 PU 17
BP 14 PU 23
BP 71 PU 96
Total: 167
Nate (95lbs Bench)
BP 15 PU 26
BP 10 PU 17
BP 10 PU 20
BP 8 PU 18
BP 8 PU 20
BP 51 PU 100
Total: 151
5 Rounds of…
Max BW Hang Power Cleans
Max GH Back Extensions
PC 11 BE 35
PC 10 BE 40
PC 10 BE 40
PC 10 BE 40
PC 11 BE 55
PC 52 BE 210
Total: 262
Shane (95lb Hang Power Clean)
PC 11 BE 40
PC 11 BE 35
PC 11 BE 35
PC 10 BE 35
PC 10 BE 35
PC 53 BE 180
Total: 233
You can see that both the butterfly kip and muscle snatch require quite a bit of skill and timing but as with everything the more you work at it the better you get.
Nate did an indoor 5k run at the Elgin Centre, 22:44. It's never the greatest time when you're dodging kids and the elderly on the running track with walkers. Outside in the rain probably would have been better!
A lot of people ask what Crossfit Szafranski looks like, and even more peoples eyebrows raise when you tell people you have a gym in your garage. So here it is, and yes this is where the magic happens. So here is a little list of things you can put in your garage and then you too can have a garage gym.
Crossfit Szafranski supply list:
4 Olympic Barbells
2 Lifting Platforms
1 Squat Cage, with Pull-up Bar
2 Wall Mounted Pull-ups Bars
Dumbells 25's, 35's, 45's, 55's
Jump Ropes (x4)
3 Kettle Balls 1 pood, 2 pood, 3 pood
3 Weight Belts
Straps and stuff
2 Squat Racks
Olympic Dumbells
Curl Bar
C2 Rower
2 Elite Fitness Rings
2 Weight Vests
Ankle Weights (40lbs)
10 PVC Tech Bars
2 Weighted Medicine Balls
24" Plyo Box
Flat Bench
Perfect Push-ups
2 Push-up Hand Grips
Bumper Plates (About 700lbs)
Metal Plates (About 200lbs)
4 Large White Dry Erase Boards
Rubber Flooring (As much as you need)
20 Weight Collars
4 Stop Watches
Portable Stereo (With mp3 capabilities optional)
Glute Ham Machine
Knee Raise Pull-ups Station
100lb Punching Bag
20lb Sledge Hammer
Measuring Wheel
2 Portable Space Heaters
Yep that's about it, but I'm sure I forgot some stuff.
I have come to the conclusion that this blog software is unpredictable at best and I cannot post daily without some type of problem occuring so with that being said this workout was subed, but I can assure you that for once the sub was harder then what HQ had set up for us today. So you be the judge, but I already know Nate and Shane are on my side.
The basis for the sub was that in 100ft of lunges each step roughly covers 3ft so the sub was 35 alternating jump lunges and Shane did 37 because we measured his lunge and it was only 33".
Here's HQ's WOD Walking lunge 100 ft. 21 Pull-ups 21 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 18 Pull-ups 18 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 15 Pull-ups 15 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 12 Pull-ups12 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 9 Pull-ups9 Sit-ups Walking Lunge 100 ft. 6 Pull-ups 6 Sit-ups
Here's Our Sub 35 Jump Lunges 21 Pull-ups 21 Sit-ups 35 Jumps Lunges 18 Pull-ups 18 Sit-ups 35 Jump Lunges 15 Pull-ups 15 Sit-ups 35 Jump Lunges 12 Pull-ups 12 Sit-ups 35 Jump Lunges 9 Pull-ups 9 Sit-ups 35 Jump lunges 6 Pull-ups 6 Sit-ups
Jacob 8:31
Nate 11:41
Shane 12:40
HQ says rest, for time!
If you look closely at the upper right board, towards the left edge you can see my time for the WOD.