"Failure is common in contests between man and nature and when individuals face each other in combat, unarmed or otherwise. Failure also audits the individual, internal contest between expectations and reality. Those who strive fail but a healthy attitude towards failing and towards learning keeps the balanced athlete from considering him or herself a failure. The skills and confidence spawned by failure allowed me to progress instead of repeating myself, and personal evolution is the ultimate goal of my participation in sport. In this context success and failure are the same thing, though one feels a bit better than the other."
-Mark Twight
I'm hurt. And it sucks. Everyone who trains hard and works hard feels this way. We train and work and do everything we can to build ourselves up higher to make and break new goals, but in the end we're only flesh and bone and they can be broken. I think it's only a fool who thinks they're so invincible that they'll never get hurt.
It's that same mentality that will only brush an injury aside and not consider the implication of it. After they recover it'll be back to training as usual. Because it's not the conditioning that injured them, it was weight or duration or form. Right? Injury can always come in two forms; from intrinsic factors that we have very little control over, like genetics. And from extrinsic factors, which are more apt to be changed shape or molded. My initial response to getting hurt was more like that of the gym dinosaur I mentioned earlier. I was convinced that I over-trained , lifting too heavy, and all I need to do is to back off my weight and train back up to wards where I was. But after some consideration I realized that maybe the whole method itself was to blame. It all goes back to the "fall into a zone" view of weight training: bigger and stronger means more weight.
In the end maybe an injury is the way to invite change into your training regimen. The previous effort hasn't failed you but instead taught you a lesson on how you need to be trained versus someone else. Whatever training rationale that is followed is never specific to anyone. It needs to be tweaked and twisted before it's something that works for you. After I'm back on my feet I'm excited to be able to invite change into my workout. Will that be the final solution? Doubtful but hopefully it'll get me closer to a system that's able to bring success in the fact that it allows me to succeed at the goal of having the best training I could as for. An injury is never failure and failure is only another path to succeeding.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 31: Today I'm broken and taking a break.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, May 30th: Kelly and some Clean & Jerks

Headquarters said to do "Kelly", but knowing I had to work the next three days I figured I'd postpone it and save my legs the agony of three days of 12 hours on my feet...So instead I saddled up to do 75 Hang clean and jerks at 95#, with 5 pull-ups and 5 pushups every time the bar is set down. However the idea of saving my legs caught up with me at about C+J 50, when my lower legs started to hurt all along the sides of the tibia and deep in the leg with every lift and step I took.
I finished out the workout but my guess is I've either developed stress fractures or osteochondritis from all the punishment to my legs this week between lifts, running, and some serious milage on the road bike. Either way the next few days are probably going to be a mix of upper body, and core workouts to save the legs from feeling like this anymore...
75 Hang C+J (95#)
**5 Pull-ups, 5 push-ups every time the bar is set down**
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Jump Squats, 45lbs
Double Unders
Evan 2:19
Jacob: 2:50
Three rounds of:
25 Glute Ham Sit-ups
25 Knee's to Elbows
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 29: 30+30 Muscle-ups For Time.
[30 Muscle-ups for time:]+[30 Muscle-ups for time]= A whole lot of fun!

My math could be off though.
60 Muscle-ups for time:
Jacob: 12:13 Rx'd (30/4:56, 50/9:58, 60/12:13)
Update by Nate,
My muscle-ups are definitely in progress but not enough to do a whole 30 in a workout yet...After a little work on muscle-ups I did the sub workout, 120 Pull-ups, 120 Dips.
Nate: 12:29

My math could be off though.
60 Muscle-ups for time:
Jacob: 12:13 Rx'd (30/4:56, 50/9:58, 60/12:13)
Update by Nate,
My muscle-ups are definitely in progress but not enough to do a whole 30 in a workout yet...After a little work on muscle-ups I did the sub workout, 120 Pull-ups, 120 Dips.
Nate: 12:29
Thursday, May 28: Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 27: Barbara, The Pull, The Jump and a 6 Pack
Today was a mixed bag and everyone was up the something different. This is how it went.
Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
Three Rounds Max Pull-ups/HSPU
5 Rounds for time of:
6 Muscle Snatch (135lbs)
10 Box Jump, 24"
7:55 Rx'd

Shoulder Shrugs 5 Sets
Keeping it Real for time:
All Day Long Rx'd
5 Rounds, three minutes rest between rounds of:
20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, 50 Squats
Shoulder Press 21-15-9-6
Shoulder Shrug 25-20-15-15
Front Raise 15-15-15-15/15/15 (last set decending pyramid)
The 6 Pack
3 Rounds of each complex twice through, rest as needed between rounds:
You choose the weight each round (2 times through is 1 round)
6 Deadlifts
6 Bent Over Rows
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
6 Push Jerks
6 Back Squats
****6 Dead Hang Pull-ups each time you drop the bar****
135lbs, 5:20 (18DHPU)
145lbs, 7:15 (24DHPU)
155lbs, 11:35 (30DHPU)
Barbara 3 Rounds
Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
Three Rounds Max Pull-ups/HSPU
5 Rounds for time of:
6 Muscle Snatch (135lbs)
10 Box Jump, 24"
7:55 Rx'd

Shoulder Shrugs 5 Sets
Keeping it Real for time:
All Day Long Rx'd
5 Rounds, three minutes rest between rounds of:
20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, 50 Squats
Shoulder Press 21-15-9-6
Shoulder Shrug 25-20-15-15
Front Raise 15-15-15-15/15/15 (last set decending pyramid)
The 6 Pack
3 Rounds of each complex twice through, rest as needed between rounds:
You choose the weight each round (2 times through is 1 round)
6 Deadlifts
6 Bent Over Rows
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
6 Push Jerks
6 Back Squats
****6 Dead Hang Pull-ups each time you drop the bar****
135lbs, 5:20 (18DHPU)
145lbs, 7:15 (24DHPU)
155lbs, 11:35 (30DHPU)
Barbara 3 Rounds
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday, May 26: Barbara? Whatever!
Don't know if this one's going to get done today, my legs still feel like complete and total jello, with broken glass inside.
We'll see...
10x15 3 Count Push-ups
10x15 Ring Dips
15x10 Calf Raises
20x10 Back Extensions
Nate, however agrees with the whole "legs-of-jello" assessment and took the day off...
We'll see...
10x15 3 Count Push-ups
10x15 Ring Dips
15x10 Calf Raises
20x10 Back Extensions
Nate, however agrees with the whole "legs-of-jello" assessment and took the day off...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 25: 5K... and the winner is.
This had to have been the stupidest bet I’ve ever agreed to in my life. Within the first 2K I was contemplating quitting the race and/or forgoing the burpee portion of the run, out of fear of losing my life. However little did I know that Shane was feeling pretty bad too during his portion of the run. It was a photo finish on a death race if there's ever been one. Let me tell you after completing this race I immediately induced all sorts of bodily aliments onto myself, such as, but not limited too, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, weakness, muscle cramps, anorexia, blurred vision, cold sweats, hot flashes, rigors and polio to name a few.
Words cannot describe how truly crappy I felt after finishing the race, but then again words cannot describe the look on peoples faces when I showed up to a 5K with a 40lb vest and started doing burpees in the street during the race. If you ask me I was a winner and a loser all at the same time, but you live and learn.
5K for time:
Nate 22:30 (Finished 70 of 709, 8th fastest in age group and gender)
Shane 30:49
Jacob 30:25 (40lb vest and 50 burpees throughout the race)
Stacey 34:56
Shane vs. Jacob… Jacob wins, this time…

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sunday, May 24: The Showdown in "E-Town"
So here's the deal, Shane "The Mountain" Nowak claims that he can best Crossfitszafranski founder Jacob Szafranski in a 5k race. I know this is complete horse#&*$, come on now. Who is he kidding and what kind of pharmaceutical grade drugs is he on, which he probably stole from his job, might I add?...Then again there is a “but” the rules of the race are as follows.

Elgin 5K Challenge Rules:
Shane "The Mountain" Nowak
Vital Stats:
5K Run: 29:28
10K Run: 1:02:35
Shane Nowak, just run a 5K and try not to die in the process, for time. Note, Shane is not allowed to have any physical contact with any other race participants, nor can he sabotage anyone else while completing the race. Additionally he must “run” the entire race, no exceptions will be made.
Jacob "The Man Child" Szafranski

Vital Stats:
5K Run: 19:19
10K Run: (With 20lb vest and 100 Burpees) 58:08
Jacob Szafranski must run the race with a 40lb weight vest and complete 10 burpee’s every 1K while running the race for time. In order to complete the race Jacob must run 5K and complete 50 burpee’s all while wearing his weight vest. Note, the only time Jacob is allowed to remove his vest is upon completion of the race and/or if CPR needs to be initiated, which ever comes first.
There are the rules, who will be the victor?
Well whoever wins this is what they have to look forward to…
Winner: Entry fee for the race will be covered by the loser and there will be videotaped footage of the victor having his prize money thrown at his feet while the
loser bows before him and touches his glorious shoes.
Loser: Will be booed and hissed until the winners throat is sore and parched, also they’ll have to live with the humiliation of defeat.
So who’s going to win, let me know.

Elgin 5K Challenge Rules:
Shane "The Mountain" Nowak
Vital Stats:
5K Run: 29:28
10K Run: 1:02:35
Shane Nowak, just run a 5K and try not to die in the process, for time. Note, Shane is not allowed to have any physical contact with any other race participants, nor can he sabotage anyone else while completing the race. Additionally he must “run” the entire race, no exceptions will be made.
Jacob "The Man Child" Szafranski

Vital Stats:
5K Run: 19:19
10K Run: (With 20lb vest and 100 Burpees) 58:08
Jacob Szafranski must run the race with a 40lb weight vest and complete 10 burpee’s every 1K while running the race for time. In order to complete the race Jacob must run 5K and complete 50 burpee’s all while wearing his weight vest. Note, the only time Jacob is allowed to remove his vest is upon completion of the race and/or if CPR needs to be initiated, which ever comes first.
There are the rules, who will be the victor?
Well whoever wins this is what they have to look forward to…
Winner: Entry fee for the race will be covered by the loser and there will be videotaped footage of the victor having his prize money thrown at his feet while the
loser bows before him and touches his glorious shoes.
Loser: Will be booed and hissed until the winners throat is sore and parched, also they’ll have to live with the humiliation of defeat.
So who’s going to win, let me know.
Sunday, May 24

Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:
750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups
115 pound Thruster, 20 reps (Subbed 135lb Thruster)
20 L-Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Couplet #1: 7:25
couplet #2: 13:00
Total: 20:25 (135lb Thrusters)
All HSPU were unbroken (the best I've done) and my rowing intervals were 2:38 and 2:50 (Damper 10 with 21 SPM, 270 watts avg.). The second couplet was a different story thrusters 7,6,5,2 then L-Pulls 8,7,5. Second round thrusters 7,5,3,3 then L-Pulls 7-6-3-2-2. All and all a good effort, I thought I would be closer to 25 minutes but I gave myself a time goal of 10min with each respective couplet and made up time in the beginning. So next time should be a sub 20min effort.
75 reps of 75lbs Hang squat cleans for time
*Every time the bar hits the ground
5 pull-ups & 5 push-ups
45 PU + 45 PU
8x1:00 row intervals (1:00 row/1:00 rest) for max cals.
R1: 20, 267m
R2: 21, 272m
R3: 20, 260m
R4: 22, 284m
R5: 20, 264m
R6: 19, 253m
R7: 20, 270m
R8: 20, 263m
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Saturday, May 23

After much needed rest... I'm back!
5K Row
Jacob 19:31 (PR)
Shane 25:43
Couldn't believe I kept my strokes down to 21 per minute. I wanted to quit so bad a couple of times, but pushed right through it. I'm on your heels Craig.
"The Six Pack"
6x DL
6x Bent-over Row
6x Hang Cleans
6x Front Squats
6x Push press
6x Back Squats
*6 Dead hang pull-ups every time the bar is set down*
Choose three successive weights, do two sets at each weight; 6 total sets
75# (12 DHPU)
85# (18 DHPU)
95# (30 DHPU)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday, May 22
3 Rounds
Run 400 m
50 Back Extensions
With a 20lbs weight vest
Power Snatch
Run 400m
Ring dips
3 Rounds
Run 400 m
50 Back Extensions
With a 20lbs weight vest
Power Snatch
Run 400m
Ring dips
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20
Row 500
30 Bench press 80lbs
Row 1000
20 Bench press 80lbs
Row 2000
10 Bench press 80lbs
Shane 35:05
12 Rounds
12 Pushups
12 SDHP 75lbs
12 Push press
12 Wallballs
Row 500
30 Bench press 80lbs
Row 1000
20 Bench press 80lbs
Row 2000
10 Bench press 80lbs
Shane 35:05
12 Rounds
12 Pushups
12 SDHP 75lbs
12 Push press
12 Wallballs
Tuesday, May 19
Warmup 100 GHSU
WOD 7000lbs from ground to over head.
Power Clean into a push press
15:20 (70 lbs)
Warmup 100 GHSU
WOD 7000lbs from ground to over head.
Power Clean into a push press
15:20 (70 lbs)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17

Well Evan and I gave it our all and came up a bit short, next year I guess. Sometimes you stand up and face the challenge of life and sometimes life tells you “Step Down”. The true test is whether or not you stand up again to give it another shot.
365 days till next time…
2009 Rocky Mountain Regional Qualifier
Evan Von Qualen 19:09, 28th Place
Jacob Szafranski 21:01, 42nd Place

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 16
Saturday, May 15
Thursday, May 14
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday, May 12
Well I can say these two WOD's are probably the hardest crossfit WOD's I've ever survived. Evan smashed both WOD's with a 1st round time on the deadlift/400m of 1:37 and the two of us had a first round time of 1:15 for the CTB/FS/Burpee WOD, that is until I had a damn meltdown on the second round of front squats. Somebody should have broke out the pooper scooper and carried my sorry butt off the mat, yet I pushed through it and saved what little dignity and self respect I had. I guess the best part was that A. my back isn't broken; the doc's cleared me for physical activity... maybe not crossfit but who cares, and B. I never thought I could deadlift 300lbs for 24 reps in a WOD and front squat 165lbs 30 times either. So I had to celebrate the small victories on this one. The only thing left to say is that Evan is the real deal and remember the name EVQ, because you're going to see it at the top of the leader board in Denver, that is until I climb out of the basement on day 2, I can only hope.

Workout # 1
3 rounds for time of:
8 deadlifts, men - 300 lbs / women - 195 lbs
400 meter run
Evan 5:43
Jacob 6:47
Shane 7:33 (180lbs)

Workout # 2
3 rounds for time of:
10 chest-to-bar pullups
10 front squats, men - 165 lbs / women - 105 lbs
10 burpees
Jacob 8:42
Evan 6:08
Shane 6:15 (90lbs)

Total for Both WOD's:
Evan 11:51
Jacob 15:29
Shane 13:48

Workout # 1
3 rounds for time of:
8 deadlifts, men - 300 lbs / women - 195 lbs
400 meter run
Evan 5:43
Jacob 6:47
Shane 7:33 (180lbs)

Workout # 2
3 rounds for time of:
10 chest-to-bar pullups
10 front squats, men - 165 lbs / women - 105 lbs
10 burpees
Jacob 8:42
Evan 6:08
Shane 6:15 (90lbs)

Total for Both WOD's:
Evan 11:51
Jacob 15:29
Shane 13:48
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, May 11
Sunday, May 10

Wish I could tell you that I had an awesome work out today, but I didn't. More importantly though I'm alive, despite the night I had at Rick's bachelor party. Once again congratulations Rick, and may your marriage last you a life time.
Oh yeah the Denver WOD’s are up and I should have guessed it…
Workout # 1
3 rounds for time of:
8 deadlifts, men - 300 lbs / women - 195 lbs
400 meter run
Workout # 2
3 rounds for time of:
10 chest-to-bar pullups
10 front squats, men - 165 lbs / women - 105 lbs
10 burpees
I’ll hope for the best.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Saturday, May 9

What a beautiful day, had to get outside and soak up the sun. HQ wanted running, well I had something else in mind.
10 Rounds of: (Not for time)
15 Ring Dips
15 3 count Push-ups (3 second hold at the bottom)
30 minute rest then...
10K Run and 100 Burpees for time, Partition as needed.(With 20lb Vest)
Jacob 58:08
Shane 1:02:35 (10K Run only)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Friday, May 8
I though it interesting to conduct an experiment so here it is...
How effective is Crossfit and how has my training progressed?
I've done "Grace" aka 30 clean and jerks (135lbs) for time twice in my life and remember both times vividly. The first time was 2:53 and the second time was 2:47, not bad but there’s plenty of room for improvement. So here's the experiment, I am betting that my Grace time is better, not even training specifically for this WOD just by associated movements alone. I know this doesn't sound presumptuous, but here is the catch, “the what if” of sorts. What if my Grace time is as good if not better then my previous efforts, but with the weight of 155lbs? Can it be, will it be, is the magic in the movement? Well I’m not certain if the latter will be true but I’m feeling good and it’s 11:32PM on a Thursday and I’m bored. So I’m going to hit up Grace right now and post my time, then I’m going to sleep for a few hours and then do Grace again at 155lbs in the morning and see what happens.
Who knows…? I sure don’t, but let's find out.
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
Jacob 2:24 (PR)
Shane 3:30 (85lbs went with a lighter weight for better form)
Heavy Grace
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 155lbs
Jacob 2:57
How effective is Crossfit and how has my training progressed?
I've done "Grace" aka 30 clean and jerks (135lbs) for time twice in my life and remember both times vividly. The first time was 2:53 and the second time was 2:47, not bad but there’s plenty of room for improvement. So here's the experiment, I am betting that my Grace time is better, not even training specifically for this WOD just by associated movements alone. I know this doesn't sound presumptuous, but here is the catch, “the what if” of sorts. What if my Grace time is as good if not better then my previous efforts, but with the weight of 155lbs? Can it be, will it be, is the magic in the movement? Well I’m not certain if the latter will be true but I’m feeling good and it’s 11:32PM on a Thursday and I’m bored. So I’m going to hit up Grace right now and post my time, then I’m going to sleep for a few hours and then do Grace again at 155lbs in the morning and see what happens.
Who knows…? I sure don’t, but let's find out.
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
Jacob 2:24 (PR)
Shane 3:30 (85lbs went with a lighter weight for better form)
Heavy Grace
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 155lbs
Jacob 2:57
Thursday, May 7
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday, May 6

There comes a day when you obtain a goal you once thought impossible, today was that day for me. After 16 months of crossfit today I completed a sub 3 minute Fran, and I’m still in disbelief. There is no question about it, crossfit works. The movement, the conditioning, the determination and mental fortitude are all there when training with crossfit. Weaknesses improved, movements refined and character hardened, some even say forged, but it’s true. You can recreate and/or redefine yourself within crossfit. I never was a serious athlete, and never one to excel in such a domain as fitness, but this is what it took. A commitment to the principles set out by HQ and a adherence to the modalities of training that crossfit encourages in the betterment of fitness. No jokes, no gimmicks, no quick fixes, just hard work. Additionally no worthwhile journey in life is traveled alone; I could not have come so far without the commitment, determination and support of my friends and training partners. Every rep counted, every PR accomplished, every plateau pushed, by each and every one of you guys, thanks. Where to from here? Who knows, but it’ll be fun getting there together, as we have been so far.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster, 95lbs
Shane 8:16 (85lbs)
Jacob 2:53 Rx'd (PR)
Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Nate 95-105-115-120(PR)-125(PR)-130(f)-130(PR)
Evan ... Can't remember but I do know he did 10x175-10x175-10x175 plus some other lifts.
20 minute rest then...
For Time:
50 Burpees
Evan 5:16 as opposed to 6:23 just 3 days ago
Jacob 3:48 as opposed to 4:10 just 3 days ago
15 minute rest then...
3 Rounds, not for time of:
Pull-up Skill Development
1. 18,40,30
2. 15,35,20
3. 12,40,15
1. 20,45,30
2. 18,40,10
3. 16,50,N/A
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday, May 5

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box Jump, 24"
KBS, 1.5 Pood
SDHP, 95lbs
Jacob 4:09 Rx'd
Evan 4:21 Rx'd
Shane 10:54 Rx'd

Rest 20 Minutes then...

5 Rounds for time of:
5 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
5 Muscle-ups
Jacob 6:10 (140lbs)

Well not to bad for a back to back WOD session, but on the 9 of spades WOD I really could have pushed to go through the whole thing without stopping, the few pauses I took were a bit unnecessary although my overall time was decent. As for the C&J/muscle-up WOD I thought my performance was good especially on the last set of cleans, but I used 140lbs just out of laziness, not wanting to swop out the 25’s for 45’s. So maybe it helped, who knows?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday, May 4
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sunday, May 3
Saturday, May 2
This is how it's going to be today.

Warm Up:
Three rounds for time of: (followed by 3 minutes rest after each round)
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 10 reps
10 Burpees
10 Glute-ham sit-ups
Five rounds for time of:
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Burpees
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
Jacob 25:58 Rx'd
Shane 35:24 (1.5 Pood)
21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster, 135lbs
Ring dips
Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Nate 14:28 (95lbs)
Go hard and go fast!
I felt completely miserable today, despite not working out, but forced myself through this one. This WOD was devastating and sucked the life out of me after the first round was done. I originally planned to try to complete a round every 4 minutes and rest until the 5 minute mark, but by round three that was out the door and I was just playing catch up from there on out.
It’s all about mental toughness from here until the games qualifier. There is very little chance that I can improve on anything in two weeks time, and my movement is only as good as it has become thus far and my strength is what it is. Mentally however, I can improve greatly, even in short duration. Think tough, act tough, don’t stop, and you won’t stop, push as hard as you can and when it’s time to rest, push a little more, go for broke, and break your weak habit’s and overcome the sense of the fatigue you feel and don’t stop moving, no matter what. I have to hardwire this mantra in my head and believe that no matter how miserable I feel or perform I have to keep going, because that’s all I can do. That’s the only thing I have control over...myself and my body.
It’s all a head game from here on out and I know that my mental toughness is the most important area of focus from here until May 16th.

Warm Up:
Three rounds for time of: (followed by 3 minutes rest after each round)
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 10 reps
10 Burpees
10 Glute-ham sit-ups
Five rounds for time of:
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Burpees
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
Jacob 25:58 Rx'd
Shane 35:24 (1.5 Pood)
21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster, 135lbs
Ring dips
Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Nate 14:28 (95lbs)
Go hard and go fast!
I felt completely miserable today, despite not working out, but forced myself through this one. This WOD was devastating and sucked the life out of me after the first round was done. I originally planned to try to complete a round every 4 minutes and rest until the 5 minute mark, but by round three that was out the door and I was just playing catch up from there on out.
It’s all about mental toughness from here until the games qualifier. There is very little chance that I can improve on anything in two weeks time, and my movement is only as good as it has become thus far and my strength is what it is. Mentally however, I can improve greatly, even in short duration. Think tough, act tough, don’t stop, and you won’t stop, push as hard as you can and when it’s time to rest, push a little more, go for broke, and break your weak habit’s and overcome the sense of the fatigue you feel and don’t stop moving, no matter what. I have to hardwire this mantra in my head and believe that no matter how miserable I feel or perform I have to keep going, because that’s all I can do. That’s the only thing I have control over...myself and my body.
It’s all a head game from here on out and I know that my mental toughness is the most important area of focus from here until May 16th.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday, May 1

Tabata intervals are awesome, awesomely bad that is. The idea behind a tabata set is to tax yourself in fashion that you hit complete muscle exhaustion only to rest for a interval half as long as your prior effort. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, now try to maintain it. Additionally there is the goal of sustained output, and the ability of maintaining said output despite the fatigue associated with the work itself. Hit it hard, hit it fast, and hit it again and again and again and you'll have a taste of tabata. 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times per movement, with no rest between movements.
Tabata Something Else:
Pull-ups 121
Push-ups 125
Sit-ups 123
Squats 148
Total: 517 Rx'd
Don't know if it's a PR, but it's close.
Pull-ups 78
Push-ups 117
Sit-ups 110
Squats 137
Total: 442 Rx'd (PR)
Nate looked as if he was just starting fresh the whole way through, couldn't believe how easy he made a PR look. Great job Nate, way to crush it.
Was hoping for a 500+, something like 525 or better but 517 isn't bad either, especially after watching the HQ clip of the WOD. I'm not much of a form stickler, but those sit-ups were questionable at best. You can see those people for the most part were just going forearms to thighs which are totally suspect, as opposed to chest to thighs. Going chest to thighs practically double your ROM and zaps your reps to were getting 15 during an interval is freaking amazing, making 20 rep counts damn near impossible.
Just my opinion though, nothing more.
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