Once again I could get to a WOD at the fire department yesterday, so I got to give this a shot today. We'll I'm happy I finished, happy I'm not hurting and happy it's done. This was a killer workout and I'm going to try to get everyone to give it a go in the not too distant future.
On a lighter note today is the day of my big GRE exam, we'll see how that goes, but the beauty of it is that once I'm done, I can get back to WOD'ing and hitting it hard.
I'm so excited... and nervous!
Warm Up:
7 Rounds of:
1 Clean and Jerk, (Increasing weight per round)
2 Tire Flips
3 Burpees
4 DHCTBPU (Dead Hang Chest to Bar Pull-ups)
*Rest as needed after each round
Jacob 115-135-155-175-195-205-225

For time:
50 Burpees
30 Tire Flips
10 Floor to Overhead, 185lbs
Jacob 11:11 Rx'd (Failed my last rep, otherwise would have beem 10:45'ish)

Way to go Ashley on finishing one heck of a 5 rounder... Not easy, but you did just fine and never gave up.
5 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
25 Tire Jump-ups
15 Med Ball Floor to Overhead, 20lbs
Ashley 30:21

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