Well I'm going to head out to McHenry for a Fire Fighter Crossfit Challenge, it shoulde be fun and hard to say the least.
I'll let you know how it goes.

This is what the coarse looked like.
For time complete: (While wearing full turnout gear and SCBA, on air)
18 Ball Slams, 30lbs (Floor to overhead)
9 Tire Jumps, 24" Hold 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
12 Ball Slams, 30lbs
6 Tire Jumps, 24" Hold 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
9 Ball Slams, 30lbs
3 Tire Jumps, 24" Hold 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
50m Run, while carrying both a 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
20m Hand Over Hand Stationary Tire Pull, 90lbs
50m Run, while carrying both a 1.5 Pood Kettlebell and 10lb Sledgehammer
18 Sledgehammer swings, 10lbs (Must come overhead and hit tire with each swing)
9 Burpee to Barrier Jump, 16"
12 Sledgehammer swings, 10lbs
6 Burpee to Barrier Jump, 16"
9 Sledgehammer swings, 10lbs
3 Burpee to Barrier Jump, 16"
50m Run
50m Forward Facing Tire Pull, 90lbs
Jacob 6:57 Rx'd

This is what I looked like before the WOD.

The first tire pull...

Sledgehammer work...

Here I am running, which was the one goal I set out for today. To be the only guy who ran the coarse as opposed to walkinging it... Mission accomplished. People laughed when I told them I wanted to have the energy and strength to run during the transitions, but I did. I just think I held back a little in between and could have moved faster leading up to these parts.

And here I am dead... If you look up above in the before picture I was actually point to the spot where the paramedics should be standing to revive my corpse upon completion of the WOD.

Over all... 2nd Place, 6:57 Rx'd! I was one of only two people who finished sub 7:00, so I can't complain.
Jacob -
Seriously great job on the FF challenge! Sub 7:00 is really an outstanding performance. In your video, you didn't stop moving and there was zero rest which is a tribute to your hard work, dedication and overall conditioning.
Wish I could have been there to see you compete. Regardless, congrats on a great WOD, time and finish!
Nothing short of fantastic!
Thanks, it was fun... Can wait till next time.
Well maybe I can, since it was a lung burner and hotter the hell out there.
Way to hit it hard Jacob. Nice job and a great video!
Thanks Tim
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