Well today was fun and I absolutely love that tire. Amazing how it just gets heavier and heavier as the WOD goes on.
Warm Up
WOD #1
10 Rounds for max reps of:
Seated Dumbell Press, 55lb DB's
Handstand Push-ups, 2" Parralettes
*Go untill failure from one movement to the next, then 2 minute rest between rounds.
DBSP 10, HSPU 05
DBSP 10, HSPU 05
DBSP 08, HSPU 04
DBSP 07, HSPU 04
DBSP 08, HSPU 03
DBSP 06, HSPU 03
DBSP 06, HSPU 03
DBSP 04, HSPU 03
DBSP 04, HSPU 02
DBSP 01, HSPU 03
Total: DBSP 64, HSPU 35

WOD #2
10-1 alternating ladder for time of: (10-1, 9-2, 8-3...)
Tire Flip
Kettelbell Swings, 2 Pood
Jacob 8:33 Rx'd

Ashley and Rachael worked out the morning and here are a few pictures of Ashley doing Wall Balls.

I think she did...
3 Rounds of:
10 Wall Balls, 10lbs 10' Target
Max Jump Rope Singles
10 Kettelbell Swings, 20lbs
*Rest as nedded between rounds.
Way to go with that 10' target, most impressive!
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