So in addition to the 3rd Crossfit test Kenny and I were brave enough to tackle an Elgin Garage Gym classic "The 50 Cal.", and believe me it's never easy.
Warm Up:
WOD #1
Crossfit Test 3:
Tabata Squats followed by 4 minutes of Muscle-ups
Performance: After the eighth Tabata Squat interval the athlete gets ten more seconds of rest and then has 4 minutes to complete as many muscle-ups as possible. The muscle-ups need not be consecutive, i.e., without rest. All squats must be from below parallel to full extension of the hip and leg.
Scoring: The test score is the Tabata Squat score (weakest number of squats in each of eight intervals of twenty seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest) multiplied by the number of muscle-ups completed within four minutes. Total time for test: 8 minutes.
4-20 Points Score as follows...
4pts. 180-206
5pts. 207-232
6pts. 233-258
7pts. 259-284
8pts. 285-314
9pts. 315-344
10pts. 345-374
11pts. 375-399
12pts. 400-431
13pts. 432-464
14pts. 465-496
15pts. 496-524
16pts. 525-559
17pts. 560-594
18pts. 595-627
19pts. 628-659
20pts. 660+
Character: The Tabata Squat is a CrossFit classic testing both athletic hip function as well as aerobic and anaerobic capacity. The muscle-up is arguably the single best upper body exercise. This combination alone is suggestive of an athlete’s total fitness.
Jacob Squats 20, Muscle-ups 30
Score: 18pts. (20x30+600)
WOD #2
"The 50 Cal"
5 Rounds for time of:
Start with the number 50 and subtract your max ring dip or pull-up reps. This new number will be the calories you must row in order to end the round, both numbers combined totaling 50. Note reps, calories and time for each round.
***Each round followed by 3 minutes of rest***
Jacob (04/23/09)
Round 1: 1:16 30RD/20 Cal.
Round 2: 1:35 20RD/30 Cal.
Round 3: 1:35 23RD/27 Cal.
Round 4: 1:41 21RD/29 Cal.
Round 5: 2:14 14RD/36 Cal.
Jacob (07/29/09)
Round 1: 1:16 34RD/16 Cal.
Round 2: 1:26 27RD/23 Cal.
Round 3: 1:37 25RD/25 Cal.
Round 4: 1:39 22RD/28 Cal.
Round 5: 2:12 15RD/35 Cal.
Jacob (08/27/09)
Round 1: 1:06 34RD/16 Cal.
Round 2: 1:24 26RD/24 Cal.
Round 3: 1:51 17RD/33 Cal.
Round 4: 1:56 18RD/32 Cal.
Round 5: 2:08 17RD/33 Cal.
Average Round: 1:41.2

Here's our first rounds...
Kenny (08/27/09)
Round 1: 1:29 21RD/29 Cal.
Round 2: 1:35 20RD/30 Cal.
Round 3: 1:44 18RD/32 Cal.
Round 4: 2:02 14RD/36 Cal.
Round 5: 1:51 14RD/36 Cal.
Average Round: 1:44.2
This WOD is murderous to say the least!